✭ chapter 3

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claire's pov

i push open the door of the front of the school, thankful that my first day was over.

nobody likes being the new girl. all you get are the same typical questions like, "where did you move from?" or "do you like it here so far?"

i shrug and start to walk towards the buses. i look at the parking lot filled with tons of cars and teenagers. i wish i could drive so bad, but instead, i have to ride the bus with annoying freshman.

i grunt and look away from the parking lot and start to see my bus come closer into vision.

i glance at the time on my phone and it's 3:00, and i'm the last stop on the bus. my bus is right in front of me now and i start to walk towards the open doors when i here a familiar voice call my name.


i turn around shocked, surprised that anyone called my name since no one really even knows me here.

i look at the face who called my name and see the same mysterious green hazel eyes and brown swooshed rich hair.

"ethan? what are you doing?"

he looks me directly in the eyes, not afraid of eye contact. he seems confident around girls.

"i saw you walking towards the bus and i wanted to ask you why," he chuckles lightly. "i've never really seen a junior ride the bus before."

i instantly freeze up and my heart starts pounding 10 times faster. at least i'm decently good at lying.

"oh, yeah. my car is in the shop right now so that's why i have to ride the bus," i say nonchalantly, "it kinda sucks."

he nods slowly as if he's thinking about something and he runs his hand through his thick brown hair, "you know you could've just asked me to give you a ride home, right?" He says laughing a bit, biting the inside of his cheek.

i stare at him in shock, not believing the words that just came out of his mouth. he wants to give me a ride home?

i shook my head, " i barely even know you, ethan. thanks for the offer, but no thanks," i say with a bit of sass, "besides i'm only riding the bus for a week and that's it, i don't need your help dolan."

he starts to walk towards me and he lifts my chin up so i can look at him. he sees the anxiousness in my eyes and he knows that my nerves are rising, but i'm refusing to show it. his face is so close to mine and i can feel his warm minty breath on my cheeks.

he smirks, "i really don't mind."

i open my mouth to answer but before i can i hear someone yell.

"are you getting on the bus or not?! comron kid, we got to get going."

i look up to my bitchy bus driver and nod, "yes ma'am, sorry for the hold up."

i start to walk onto the bus and before i go to walk towards my seat i look back at ethan.

"maybe another day," i say with a small grin creeping up onto my face.

he raises his eyebrows, "can't wait," i roll my eyes dramatically. he starts to walk away casually, not phased by anything. his confidence amazes me.

i start to walk back to my seat on the bus and see liz sitting there. i slide in next to her and smile brightly.

"hey girl!" liz says with excitement, "how was your first day?"

i look at the window and smile feeling my cheeks getting hot, "pretty damn

liz notices me blushing and giggles," woah what's got you feeling all happy?"

i shrug, "oh, it's nothing. i just had a good first day."

she pulls out her phone and starts to open some snapchats, "i saw you talking to that senior, ethan dolan. he doesn't really talk to a lot of the underclassman so i was surprised," she paused, "he's hot as fuck though, so is his brother."

my eyes go wide and i can feel my pulse rising, "he has a brother? i didn't know that."

she laughs, "um yeah his name is grayson, they're twins actually. watch out though, ethan and grayson are the biggest fuck boys in school," she pauses, "but don't worry, they never mess with freshman."

this actually surprised me. i thought seniors were the ones to hook up with freshman, but yet again, this is ethan dolan. why would he waste his time on some 15 year old when he can get whoever he wants?

i gulp, "good to know."

she starts looking at some more Snapchat stories and sighs, "speaking of the devil," she turns her phone towards me to where i can see the screen.

i can feel butterflies appear in my stomach just by looking at the picture she showed me. it was a picture of ethan in the car.

liz stares at the picture with me, "ugh isn't he just perfect? i wish he would notice me, he's so hot."

i look at liz with shock, "what!?"

liz rolls her eyes, "come on claire, don't pretend like he isn't. everyone in this school knows him and grayson are the hottest seniors. every guy wants to be him and every girl wants to be with him."

she's not wrong. i can see the way people look at him down the hall. not to mention, liz is very popular. so for someone like liz to be obsessed with them, that means everyone else must be too.

i shrug, "yeah, i guess, but whatever. too bad he doesn't fuck with freshman."

liz sighs dramatically, "i know, ugh if only i was older, but oh well, some lucky girl will have him," she pauses, "but at least i know that none of these freshman bitches will get him," she shakes her head and scoffs, "not like he would want one anyways." she says laughing at the end.

her words hit me like a train. she can't find out that i'm lying to him, she would be so mad considering she's deeply obsessed with him. i look out the window to avoid eye contact, "haha yeah, I know," i say with a fake laugh.

i shrug it off and decide to change the topic of conversation, "anyways, so i know you're in cheer and i know that they're having a second cheer tryout," i shift my attention back over to hers," so i was thinking of trying out for the team! u actually didn't tell you, but i've been doing cheer since i was 10 and i think getting involved in a sport here would be good for me."

her eyes lit up and i can see her beaming with excitement. she nearly screams, "OH MY GOD, YES YOU HAVE TO!!!"

i shove my hand over her mouth and tell her to shut up as we both start busting out laughing, earning some looks from the bus riders in front of us. i'm convinced that everyone on this bus is very much annoyed with us.

the bus comes to a stop and she starts to gather her stuff, "well, this is my stop," she pauses to think about something, "oh I almost forgot!! i need to have your number!"

i smile brightly and nod, "yeah, of course!"

i pull out a sticky note and write down my phone number quickly, "there ya go, text me whenever." 

"thanks!" she quickly hurries off of the bus and i look out the window to see her on the sidewalk waving to me. i laugh and flip her off jokingly and she rolls her eyes and laughs too.

maybe it's not too bad here after all.

(a/n: i have some big plans in store for this book so stay tuned !!!)

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