thank you.

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wow, thank you for joining me on this crazy journey and for making my dreams come true for this book!

i am so incredibly grateful for all of you guys who have chosen to read my book, and i hope that you not only enjoyed it, but took something away from it as well.

i never expected to get any reads when i had started this book two years ago, but i'm so glad that i did or else i would've never been able to finish.

this book has been very helpful for me and has been something i could use to help escape my own reality, and i hope that some of you readers felt like you could come on here and read this book as an outlet for yourself as well.

i've enjoyed every second of writing this book and reading all of you guys comments, and it made me realize how powerful writing can really be from seeing how much my own story has effected other people.

so, thank you to everyone who's supported me!

i love you all, and make sure to keep an eye open for euphoria which is coming soon!

see you guys in my next book :)

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