✭ chapter 4

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claire's pov

cheer tryouts are coming up in about a week and i'm ecstatic. don't get me wrong, i'm nervous as fuck, but i'm glad that i have the chance to tryout.

i open the front door of my house and lazily walk inside. i chuck my backpack onto the floor and sleepily lay on the couch.

"claire! how was your first day?"

i looked up to see my beaming mother. my mom expects a lot from me but i never seem to deliver. i have a brother a year younger than me, liam, who's always getting into trouble. i'm expected to be the "perfect" one in the house and set the example for him.

i yawn, "it was alright, but i'm extremely tired," i say while sitting up and stretching.

she nods her head understanding, "you get some rest, i know today was probably stressful, but you made it through! i'm gonna go unpack more of the junk in the garage," i hear her walk away and she yells when she opens the back door, "and make sure you do your homework if you have any!"

i sit up and groan. shit, i do have homework. even through today is my first day, it's the middle of the school year for everyone else, meaning i do have homework to do... and it's a lot.

i stumble off of the couch and carry my backpack on one of my shoulders as i make my way upstairs.

our new house was huge. my family has always had money but we were always very careful with what we spent it on. my dad has always been the one who made the large amount of income in the family and he's very good at budgeting and supporting our family.

at least he used to be.

i shrug and walk inside of my room shutting the door behind me. my room was big and decorated in a baby pink theme with white details.

i walked over to my desk, sat down, and opened up my backpack to see what homework i have to do.

as i'm pulling out my geometry folder, i feel my phone vibrate on the desk.

i look over and see that an unknown number has texted me.

unknown: hey girly!! its liz🤪

claire: omg hey what's up

i quickly put her in my contacts and smile.

liz: soo since ur trying out for cheer i was thinking i could help u practice for tryouts? tmrw after school they're having an open gym practice so we should go together! i can introduce you to some of the girls who are already on the team. it'll be tons of fun i promise. u down to go?

i exhale and smile while reading her text. liz has been nothing but nice to me, which is very new to me. i've never met someone like her.

claire: yeah of course i wanna go! thanks soooo much I'll meet u tmrw after school in the main gym?

liz: yep!! make sure u bring cheer clothes to change into tmrw too

claire: okay bet see ya then

i'm really glad that i'm friends with liz. she's practically the nicest person i've ever met. she's the kind of friend where you just meet them and you feel like you've known them for forever. no wonder everyone at school loves her.

i finally get out a pencil for my geometry homework and get to work.


i glance at the clock and it reads 9:47. i've been doing homework for the past three hours and i'm finally done.

i start putting away my homework when i hear a knock at the door, "come in," i say in a polite tone.

little lies (an e.d. fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz