✭ chapter 6

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^^maggie lindemann as claire

claire's pov

it was the last period of the day and i was beyond bored. my social anxiety was getting bad thinking about the future encounters i'm going to have soon with meeting liz's friends on the cheer team.

don't get me wrong, i'm excited to meet new people, but new people scare me. this could mean potential stress which i cant afford in my life right now.

the bell rings which silences my thoughts and i quickly gather my things and go into the hallway with everyone else. i feel someone bump into my shoulder making me drop my phone out of my hand and i groan, annoyed, "could you watch out?" i turn to look at the persons face, "ethan?"

he tightens up his face and has a confused look but then goes back to normal as if he's realized something. he bends down to pick up my phone, "i'm so sorry. i'm grayson, ethan's twin brother," he hands me my phone, "you know ethan?"

i take my phone back and my breathing increases as i start to realize that i'm talking to ethan's brother, and he's just as attractive as ethan.

"yeah, i do. i have first period with him. we're actually working on a project together so i'll be over at you guys' place tomorrow," i say chuckling a bit at the end.

grayson smiles warmly, "i'm going to the gym after school tomorrow so i won't be home, so i guess it'll just be you and ethan considering my parents won't be home yet," he pauses sticking out his hand, "but it was nice meeting you..?" he trails off at the end expecting me to finish his sentence.

i shake his hand, "claire, nice meeting you too."

he grins and gives a short wave then walks away.

i continue walking down the long hallway and decide to text liz and tell her i'm almost by the gym.

claire: hey I'm almost there wbu

before i could even turn my phone off she responds.

liz: yep me and the girls are here!! the guys are finishing up practice in here tho lol

what practice? is ethan there? shit shit shit.

i make a right and i'm standing outside the main gym. i push open the door and see the football boys doing conditioning.

i glance at the time on my phone and it reads 3:00. the open gym for cheer doesn't start till 3:15 so i guess the guys are just finishing up practice or whatever they're doing in here.

i walk past the guys and i hear a few whistles, i roll my eyes at their childish actions. i'm starting to realize that guys don't want you for love here, they want you for lust. you can tell by how the guys act around girls and how girls are desperately falling into their trap. it's sad.

see, the thing with me is, i don't catch feelings. there is no reason to get attached to anyone because i'm used to everyone leaving. it would be silly for me to actually be codependent on someone.

i can tell that ethan is one of those boys, the kind that will use you and then leave, making you want them even more, but now you're too heartbroken to even function. that won't happen to me though. i'm not like every other girl, i'm willing to have fun with ethan and i'm not scared of the outcome because i was never even attached to him in the first place.

since i'm a "junior" now, maybe something will happen between me and ethan after all, but not like I deeply care though.

i glance to the side to look at the boys and i see ethan doing push ups. shit, he is in here. my breath hitches as i see his arm muscles glistening in sweat and his veins in his biceps bulging out. he looks up and catches me staring and sends a devious grin over my way.

i quickly look away and walk over towards the locker room to change. i change into my outfit and put my hair up in a high pony. i put my backpack in my athletic locker that i received in gym class and walk out to meet liz.

i see liz's face brighten as she runs towards me and pulls me into a hug, "claire, yay you're here!!"

i smile but then give her a confused look, "why are the guys in here? don't they usually go to the other gym?"

liz shrugs, "i think the other gym was being used for something else so the guys came in here to use this one for a little bit. it happens sometimes but they'll be gone once we start practice," she shrugs lightly, "but anyways, let me introduce you to the girls."

i smile and nod and we make our way over by the group of girls who are standing in a circle.

"claire, this is serena," she points to a thin short blonde headed girl who beams of energy.

"hey claire! i've heard so much about you and i'm really glad you're trying out for the team. i'm trying out for the team again because i didn't make the first tryout so we'll be trying out together."

serena genuinely seemed nice. i was getting good vibes off of her, she seemed like the kind of girl that was relatable and i could easily become close with. in some way she reminded me a lot of myself.

"whew that's sooo great. i didn't wanna try out alone so i'm glad that you're trying out with me," i say very relieved.

"yeah, i'll be with you the whole time! i got you," she says with a comforting smile.

liz continues, "okay, this is kimberly and chelsea. they're already on the team, but chelsea  is on jv and kimberly is on varsity."

kimberly and chelsea wave with excitement. chelsea laughs, "it's nice to finally meet you since liz never shuts up about you."

liz slaps her on the shoulder lightly, "oh, shut up chelsea. the only thing you talk about is the dolans."

kimberly busts out laughing at this, "facts."

i laugh with them as chelsea starts to get red, "shhh stop ethan's literally right over there!!" she whisper screams.

we all start laughing even more and i turn to look at ethan but only to find his eyes staring back at mine. i feel my cheeks heat up, knowing that he's been watching me.

i walk over to the water fountain and tell the girls i'll be right back so i can fill up my water bottle. i hear the guys' coach blow the whistle and they all start running towards their locker room. ethan, however, jogs towards me. he brushes his hand up against my back as he comes up from behind me and i turn to face him completely.

"what do you want ethan?" i say with impatience laced in my tone.

his eyes scan me up and down and he bites his lip barely leaving a flesh mark, and answers, "i just wanted to say i hope you have fun during practice, evans. can't wait till you make the team and you're cheering for me."

i can feel my face getting red and the butterflies starting to appear. i decide to go along with his flirting as a joke, "can't wait either."

i purse my lips and turn on my heel, confidently walking away as i feel his stare on my back.

why do i want him?

(a/n: srry for this shitty chapter i wrote this half asleep ngl i need coffee. VOTE AND COMMENT WHATEVER LOVE U)

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