✭ chapter 19

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claire's pov

i walk towards my mom's car, tired and sweaty.
it starts to rain a bit so i walk slightly faster towards the vehicle.

i open the passenger door and slide into the seat. i look at my mom and she has stress written all over her. she has bags under her eyes and she looks lifeless almost.

"hey mom," i say a bit hesitantly. i put my backpack on the floorboard and shift my weight away from her a bit, feeling awkward.

she keeps her gaze focused on the road while tapping the steering wheel anxiously, "hey honey, did you have a good day at school today?"

i nod, "yeah, it was good. i think i'm going to make the team," i pause and swallow, " i did really good at tryouts."

she looks over at me confused and narrows her eyebrows, "what? tryouts for wh-" she pauses and then nods, "oh yeah, cheer. sorry, i forgot."

i purse my lips together, aggravated. of course she forgot. she's too focused on liam to worry about me. i fiddle with my fingers in my lap and look out the window staring at the small raindrops gathered on the glass.

i guess i can't really blame her for not giving me her full attention, liam's problems are far more severe than mine and god knows what he's been up to lately. i just don't get involved in the family problems.

my mom notices my silence and exhales, "look claire, honey, i'm sorry. i just have a lot going on and i want to be here for you but-"

all of the sudden i hear her ring tone signaling someone's calling her. she jolts up from out of her seat surprised and grabs her phone quickly.

"sorry, i need to take this."

she pressed her phone against her ear eagerly and started to talk in a certain tone that she wasn't using before. a very fake and happy tone.

"hi! yes, this is she."

i look over at her with a side eye and try to hear the person on the other line. i cant make out what they're saying, the rain is muffling the sound out even more.

"is his medication ready to pick up?"

i look over at her fully now, not even trying to hide it.

"liam evans. yes, that is correct."

we approach a stoplight as my mother slowly brakes. i watch her lean her forehead into her left hand as she's extremely focused on the phone call.

she inhales sharply and says in a forced sweet tone, "okay, thank you so much! i'll come pick it up tonight. bye bye."

i look over at her with my elbow resting on the console, "what was that about?"

she shrugs, "just some stuff for liam. he's been going to therapy and ever since he started going he's been sober. we're putting him on an antidepressant to help him a little bit," she pauses and chokes on her words a bit, "i know what's happened with your dad has been terrible for you guys and i'm so sorry," her eyes start to water and she speaks in a tone almost inaudible, "i wish he was still here too."

i hear my mom take a deep breath and i close my eyes. don't cry, claire. it'll only stress her out more. i don't want to be another problem for her.

little lies (an e.d. fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя