✭ chapter 56

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song for chapter: all for us by labrinth, zendaya + play on repeat!!

claire's pov

-friday pep rally, day of football game-

as i walk down the hallway that leads to the main gym, my eyes happen to catch sight of more posters advertising for the prom slideshow.

i remember to myself that today is the last day to submit any entries, but obviously that whole thing doesn't exactly apply to me.

i shrug and continue to walk, looking at the many more posters covering the school walls.

majority were posters about the slide show, and the other majority were about the prom dance itself.

as i skim the posters i hear a group of girls giggling and turn a corner in front of me.

i look up ahead of me to see the four girls all wearing the cheer uniform which i was wearing as well.

i quickly recognize the back profiles of the four girls and i call one of their names as i start to jog towards them, "lily!"

i see the group recognize my voice and all stop to turn around and face me, "claire!" they say with big smiles on their faces.

i catch up with them and we all start to walk together as we approach the doors of the gym. the closer we get, the more cheerleaders i see surrounding the scene.

right now the cheer team is doing a quick run through practice of our routine. it's mainly for a sound check just to make sure all of the technical things are good to go so we'll be able to hear the song through the speakers.

it's third period right now, which means i get to miss class and be here instead. the pep rally starts next period, and all students are going.

well, except for the kids that skip to go sit in
the bathroom or even just get in their car and decide to ditch.

i see our coach approach us as she rushes all of us to hurry on inside and get in our first formation.

we scurry into the gym in a timely fashion and see that conveniently, the cheer mats are already set up for us on the gym floor. 

we put our backpacks down over at the section of the bleachers that was labeled for cheerleaders only.

once putting down my stuff i look at my four friends with a giddy smile, excited to be doing our first pep rally all together. us five get up and walk up to the blue mats sprawled out on the glossy wooden floor with the rest of the girls.

we quickly get into our beginning as does the rest of the team, and we all watch as our coach takes her time to walk all the way to the very top of the bleachers.

she walks up the steps of the bleachers and once making it to the top she doesn't bother to sit. instead, she stands with her hands behind her back as she observes the formation from high up.

she gives the sound guy a thumbs up and yells an, "all good!" at him. he nods while typing away on his laptop that was perched on a desk over to the side of the gym. the laptop was connected to a bunch of wires, probably belonging to the sound system.

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