✭ chapter 49

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song for chapter: dead to me by blackbear + play on repeat!!

claire's pov

i started to daze off in one of my core classes, english, but didn't attempt to gather myself back together to continue reading.

our class was assigned to silently and independently read the story of romeo and juliet. no matter what i do though, i can't seem to stay focused on the damn book for the life of me.

i don't want to read some stupid tragic love story. selfishly, i'd rather just think about my own.

hanging out with ethan, grayson, and jade on saturday couldn't have gone better- for jade, too. grayson happily accepted jade's prom offer as ethan did with mine.

jade had told me that her conversation with grayson went a little like, "well, i decided to be a good friend to claire and go through with this whole dare thing. it's not like i like you or anything, but we're pretty good friends so i thought me asking you wouldn't hurt."

so, basically everything jade told him was a load of bullshit.

i mean, i totally understand. it's not exactly ideal to confess your feelings for someone just because of a dare, but her time will come.

i know it probably hurt grayson a bit to hear jade speak as if she had no attraction to him whatsoever. although, considering the information ethan had told me he shared with grayson before we came over, he had to have reminded himself that what she said was all one hundred percent false.

of course, i never told jade about the little talk ethan had with grayson. her knowing about that would only make her feel embarrassed for knowing that grayson knew she was lying the whole time.

the rest of the day we spent swimming outside in their pool. it was a good day, a day that if you told me would be happening the first day i came here, i wouldn't believe you for a second.

being with ethan is like a dream because of how surreal it all feels. sure, we're not like every other relationship. we don't get the normal perks like everyone else does once they're taken, but i'll take what i can get.

we don't get to hold hands in the hallway, show each other affection whenever we want, or something as small as him even giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before class.

even though we don't have these types of benefits, i've still never felt happier. it's hard to pretend like your boyfriend doesn't exist in certain situations, but it also makes the thrill of the relationship itself that much more exciting.

it's an adrenaline rush, a secret that the both of us have complete control over. i wouldn't necessarily prefer it this way, but in just two weeks the answer to everyone's questions that are hanging in the air will surely be answered.

you see, the kids at my school know that both ethan and grayson always have a new side chick on their arm after using and dumping out their old one.

as far as everyone knows, i was ethan's latest game and nothing more. the raging question that the nosy kids of this school seem to wonder though is, why doesn't he have a new one?

the twin brothers have a history of moving on between girls in as little as a span of two days. some people blame it on football, that they'd much rather focus on their own personal gain than a girl.

some say it's boredom since they've talked to almost every girl in their grade who's well known. maybe they're tired of searching for their next victim.

some say that maybe they're maturing. after all, graduation is only two months away and after that the both of them are off to college and are offered a taste of the real world.

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