✭ chapter 43

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song for chapter: hot rod by dayglow + play on repeat!!

claire's pov

-thursday afternoon cheer practice-

"all right girls, come sit. i have some announcements," coach kelly says as i catch my breath and take a sip of water from my water bottle.

the squad all huddles together, sitting down and surrounding her like we do at the end of every practice.

once everyone is seated and paying attention, coach kelly starts to talk with a twinkle of excitement glimmering in her eyes, "before i get into who will be cheering at tomorrow night's game, one of your teammates has a special announcement for you all!"

i look at my friends sitting next to me in confusion and they do the same, "um, what is she talking about?" hannah whispers so only us four can hear.

i shrug, "no idea."

our coach motions for one of our teammates to stand up and take the floor and i straighten up my posture as she does so, looking to see exactly who it was.


"what the fuck," lily whispers to the point where i could barely even hear her, taking the exact words out of my mouth.

liz stands up from her spot that was surrounded by her little group of friends and she walks up to the front of the gym to speak.

everyone's eyes are now fully on her, all of us waiting for her to start her so called "announcement".

"it's all you, elizabeth," coach kelly says with an encouraging smile, taking a few steps back to stand behind her.

liz nods her head with a fake smile and turns to look back at the squad, her over the top smile never daring to leave her face.

"okay well, as most of you guys know, i'm on student council," liz flaunts with a cocky look on her face.

what, is that supposed to be impressive or something?

"didn't ask," hannah mumbles under her breath causing me to put my head down and try my hardest not to laugh.

"and we have an important message! it only applies to seniors or people that are going to prom this year. i know that doesn't apply to everyone in this room, but i thought i'd spread the word to inform some of the people that it actually does apply too," she says as her eyes look from face to face, focusing more on the faces of the seniors.

"so this year for our annual prom, student council is going to be collecting pictures and videos from students to be playing on a slideshow during the dance!"

i hear a few excited and bubbly sounding "oooh's!" leave some of the girls mouths in response.

"if anyone has any pictures or videos they'd like to send in, make sure to email all attachments to westwayprom2020@gmail.com. fliers will be posted all over the school with the email address so you don't have to worry about forgetting it. all entries will go on the slideshow and be playing on a loop on the big screen!" she says while her eyes search through the sea of girls, stopping once making eye contact with me.

she crosses her arms over her chest in satisfaction and narrows her eyes at me while grinning.

i get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach from her long stare and a wave of questions start to flow into my head.

why the hell is she looking at me like that?

before i can further think anything, coach kelly steps up from her place behind her and gives her a pat on the shoulder, "thank you so much, liz!"

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