✭ chapter 22

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claire's pov

my heart is beating out of my chest. i can't even think straight, there are just too many emotions. half of me feels excited and jumpy and the other half of me feels scared.

really scared.

i want this, though, but i don't want to spring onto things so soon. everything in my life that has once been good has turned out to be bad. i'm just scared of being hurt when a part of me already feels broken.

claire: i do want to be with you, i do. but i think we should talk abt this more before jumping into things.

i see the typing bubble appear on the screen only a second after i press send. my heart feels like it's going to explode out of my chest.

babe: i was thinking we could talk abt it in person, i don't rlly like texting. but i was also thinking maybe i could take you out this friday and we talk abt it..?

i scream a little reading the second half of his message. what does he mean by 'take me out'?
does he mean like a date? or just hanging out? i overthink too much.

claire: like a date?

i hesitantly press send and chuck my phone across the bed with a giddy feeling. i bury my head under the sheets and i can almost hear the loud thumping of my heart beat. my smile keeps growing and growing.

i feel my phone vibrate somewhere on my bed and i quickly get out from under the sheets and search desperately for where i threw my phone. i grab it and look at his message.

babe: yeah, like a date. i like u and i wanna show u how much u mean to me. we can talk abt everything we need to talk abt then

i feel my smile come back and this time it refuses to leave. he understands how i feel. he even feels the same way. i love how he's open to communication, it's not something that i've often seen in people.

claire: okay :)

babe: sooo is that a yes?

i giggle a little while reading his message and start to respond back.

claire: yes oml

babe: i'll pick u up on friday @ 8

i scream into my pillow a little and roll around like a little kid. i feel on top of the world right now.

i'm going on a date with ethan dolan.


i feel a light tap on my shoulder and some muffled words that i cant seem to make out. i roll over onto my side and pull the blankets over my head.

i feel the comforter being ripped off of me and i open my eyes while groaning.

"claire, honey, get up for school. your alarm didn't go off so i had to come and wake you up."

the bright light from my overhead fan is blinding my vision as i lazily roll out of bed.

my mom walks out and shuts the door behind her, leaving me alone.

all of the sudden the thought of riding the bus comes across my mind. ugh. i absolutely hate riding the bus. it makes it even worse that liz is on there, too.

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