✭ chapter 26

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claire's pov

after practice, the girls and i each exchanged our numbers and all of our socials. i walked outside to wait for my mom to pick me up, hoping that she's doing okay.

i never know what's going on with her because she seems to shield her life away from me.

i see her white toyota prius pull up into the school parking lot and drive over to where i am.

i briskly walk towards the car and open the door. i throw my backpack in the backseat and shut the door once i'm situated.

she pulls out of the parking lot and drives to go home; which is only ten minutes away from the school, conveniently.

"hi, honey, how was your day?" she says in a tired voice.

my mom doesn't really know that i'm on the cheer team, i mean, she knows, but in her mind it's not important enough to remember or keep track of.

"it was great," this was the first time i said school was great and actually meant it. i think i found my true friends today and that'll make school much more enjoyable from now on.

she doesn't respond and i look over at her to find her already staring at me confused with a sour look on her face.

"why are you not wearing any clothes?" she says in a stern voice, referring to my skimpy tank top and booty shorts.

i sigh, "mom, today was the first day of practice. i thought i texted you the practice schedule a while back."

i didn't think, i knew. i did send her the practice schedule but she didn't reply. i think she was busy.

she shook her head annoyed, "no, you didn't claire. why don't you tell me anything about your life? it seems as if you're always pushing me away."

my eyes go wide and i scoff in anger and disbelief, "oh, i don't tell you anything about my life? really? maybe i don't because you're too caught up in liam's."

we stop at a red light and before i can even realize it, she slaps me.

"don't you ever fucking say that again you little bitch, do you understand?"

the sting on my cheek is growing and i can't help but let tears cloud my vision. i open my mouth but..


words don't come out. for a second all i see is black, and all i hear is silence. the world vanishes from me in a second but quickly comes back as i hear the voices in my head, snapping me out of it. 

"i said do you understand?!" she raises her voice and seems even angrier and i flinch, afraid that she'll hit me again.

i don't even think before answering in a whisper. not a hesitant and timid whisper, but a strong one.

"i will never understand."

she laughs evilly out of anger, showing me a side i've never seen of her before. none of this have i ever seen before. it's. like she's not even her. none of this is her.

"don't you dare smart mouth me. daddy's not here to help you is he? he can't pull you out of this problem like he did with every fucking mistake you-"

i scream in anger at her words letting something else take control of my entire body, "don't you ever fucking bring dad into this!"

i feel the tears flowing out of my eyes at an alarming pace as i hear her yelling at me but i can't make out the words she's saying. i start to shake uncontrollably and i thrash around in the passenger seat.

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