✭ chapter 57

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song for chapter: high for this by the weeknd + play on repeat!!

ethan's pov

as soon as the music started playing the only girl i could focus on during the entirety of the routine was claire.

everything she does just mesmerizes me.

i didn't even want to blink just in case i'd miss anything. she was clearly one of the best on the team and she had that certain attention drawing factor about her, and it's definitely not because i'm bias.

the only problem was that i couldn't help but feel a little angry over the way i watched some of the guys look at her when i occasionally dipped my eyes over to the bleachers.

my jaw was clenched the entire time and i had to hold myself back when i heard some guys making sexual remarks about her, and by some guys i mean my own friends.

like when i heard one of my teammates brayden and a couple other football guys behind me playing smash or pass. no one could hear them because their routine music was so loud, but i happened to hear them because they were right behind me.

they went through every cheerleader that was out there and when they got to claire they described her as, "the thick dark haired bitch in the front."

the three guys all said smash and i had to use all of the fucking willpower i had inside of me to not turn around and knock one of them out.

"yo, u good?" cameron said to me, pulling me back into reality.

the pep rally had ended and i was now in the hallway with cameron and other students, walking to class.

"yeah?" i said back, looking at him as if his question was weird.

"okay, then let's go," he says while doing a hand motion like he was telling me to pick up the pace.

"harrison's not gonna like if we're late again. he said he'd give us detention the next time it happens, remember?" he says referring to our college algebra teacher, mr. harrison.

i continue to walk down the hallway with him amongst the other students who just got released from the pep rally as well before an idea pops into my head, causing me to stop.

"dude, what?" cameron says with a small groan, clearly irritated.

"i'm gonna skip," i say smoothly, "i'm not in the mood for his bitching today and we're already gonna be late anyways."

i know the plan i have in mind will work due to the test cameron has to make up today in class. he knows i know that and that's the reason why i didn't ask him to come with.

at least, that's the reason i'm leading him to believe.

he shrugs, "alright bro, i'll catch you later," he says before giving me a quick handshake and jogging off to avoid sitting on the bench for our next game due to one stupid detention.

i start to walk towards the parking lot and as i do so i quickly grab my phone to text claire.

ethan: u in class yet?

it doesn't take long for the grey typing bubble to appear on the left side of my screen as i anxiously wait, praying that the answer is a no.

bbg: no, running late

ethan: don't go
ethan: come skip w me

i smirk to myself in amusement as i watch the typing bubble appear and then disappear, looking like she was having a bit of a struggle to come up with her own answer.

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