✭ chapter 45

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song for chapter: strange love by halsey + play on repeat!!

claire's pov

"can we please go get a snack or something? i'm so hungry," lily whines as she looks at me, jade, and skylar for an answer.

i nod as i was a bit thirsty myself, so i obviously didn't object to take a trip to the concession stand.

"yeah, i want to get a drink. let's go," i say as i wave over at my friends to follow me.

we leave the student section of the football game which was already halfway over, and we follow the delicious warm smell of food.

once getting there, we all make sure to get our wallets out as we stand in line together. the line was a bit long due to the many students that were here at the game and i sigh to myself as we wait.

i feel someone tap my shoulder from behind me and i roll my eyes as i turn around, expecting it to be one of my friends.

my eyes shoot wide open as i see who it was. my friends all notice my reaction and look to see what had caused it, confused once they laid their eyes on alex.

none of them had ever seen him in person before so not one of them knows what he looks like. for all they know, they probably think this guy is a complete stranger.

i look at my friends and then look back at alex, wishing this line could be moving faster so i could avoid this conversation.

"oh, hey alex," i say as i see in my peripherals my three friends all looking at me in shock, now understanding why i went pale as a ghost when he first approached me.

"hey, uh, i don't mean to be weird but could i talk to you in private for a second?" he awkwardly says as he realizes that all of my friends are watching his every move.

"um," i'm about to tell him no and say that i don't want to lose my spot in line, but i decide to not be a bitch, "yeah, i guess."

i turn around to jade and hand her the two dollar bills i had gotten out from my wallet, "can you just get me a water?"

she nods and i thank her before walking away with alex. he walks over to an empty spot and i follow him uneasily, getting a tight feeling in my chest.

i inhale a short breath and i try my best to act as chill as possible when we both stand there face to face, "what's up?" i say normally.

he looks down at the ground, "can i tell you something?"

i feel my stomach twist at his words, really not wanting to talk to him but knowing that it's too late since i already came over here.

"i guess?" i say, sounding more like a question than an answer.

he looks down at the pavement below us and then looks back into my eyes confidently, "ethan doesn't like you."

i feel myself becoming angry with him and try to make myself appear as unaffected as possible.

i realize that in order for anything to not be suspicious, i'm going to have to go along with his nonsense bullshit, "yeah, i know. i don't have feelings for him either. we're just not on bad terms anymore, we're more like acquaintances now."

confusion seems to drown his face from my words, "wait, what? i thought that you tho-"

"i cut him off, "no, i know the truth about him now after what happened," i swallow, having a hard time talking about him as if he means nothing to me, "i know he doesn't like me. we're not even like that anymore," i say simply.

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