✭ chapter 8

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claire's pov

i walk into teen leadership with a different feeling today. i feel excited, but as much as i don't want to admit it i want to see ethan. to make today even better, today is the day where i go over to his house to work on the project.

oh, who am i kidding? i'm just another girl in his game.

then i start to think- isn't he just a game to me too?

after all, i'm the one lying to him telling him i'm two years older than i really am.

that shouldn't matter though because i know nothing serious will happen between us, and i'm not gonna let him find out i'm fifteen.

my thoughts settle down once i sit on a couch next to, of course, ethan. he looks surprised that i chose to sit next to him, considering there were multiple spots left on other couches.

he raises an eyebrow and looks at me, "huh, so new girl does wanna sit by me after all?"

i laugh, "don't let it get to your head, and definitely don't call me," i used my fingers as quotations in the air, "new girl."

he leans back on the couch and his thigh gets dangerously close to mine, "so, i can call you princess?"

my heart fluttered at the nickname but i refused to show it, "n- no. i told you to not call me that on the first day, remember?"

he sits up and responds in a low voice getting very close to my face, "good, i prefer babygirl anyways."

before i had time to give him a snarky comeback, mr. kemp had started to talk about what our assignment is for today.

i huff and relax on the couch crossing my arms, knowing he's getting the last word

"class, today i want to do a trust building exercise. since the partner project at home is going to reveal personal information about you, i want you guys to feel like you can trust one another to prepare for it."

i look at ethan and immediately get a knot in my stomach.

mr. kemp continues, "i want you to pair up with the person you are going to be doing the project with. you guys may have heard of this activity before. one person in each pair is going to be blind folded and trying to make it to the bathroom down the hall by given verbal instructions only. the person who is not blindfolded will be their voice guide giving them directions."

i swallow, this should be interesting.

"once one person has completed it with the blindfold you will then switch roles with your partner, everyone got it?"

the class nods their head in unison as me. kemp urges us to start.

ethan sighs, "since i'm the guy i guess I'll go first."

i laugh and respond in a sarcastic tone, "what a gentleman! keep this up and maybe i'll talk to you for more than five seconds without getting irritated."

he rolls his eyes and chuckles. he grabs a blindfold from the box that's being passed around the room. he turns his attention to me with a smirk, "mind putting it on for me?"

i knew what he was doing, and i was gonna go along with it. trying my best to be discreet about it, of course.

i shrug, "yeah, i guess," i grab the blindfold from his hand.

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