Chapter 39

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Cara's POV


The crying echoed the room. Crying from a small baby girl. My small baby girl. Her little weaps filed my ears. Her small hand wrapped around my finger her small thumb resting on my fake nail. I smiled deeply as her green eyes set upon mine, a small yawn left her lips and I sighed in happiness.

"You're my princess. I'll keep you safe from all the vile humans out there" I promised her and meant it. She soon closed her eyes and I held my little baby tightly in my arms as if I was to let go. If they knew the past I had they would never let me keep her. At all.

I had a few hours sleep then a cry filled the room. My eyes darted open to see a tall manly figure.

"GET OFF HER!" I yelled.

"Woah-wo" The boy hushed "Its me...Its James" He said and I sighed.

"Sorry I-" I stuttered but got cut off my the chokes that came with the tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Its okay babe. I just wanted to settle her down" He smiled and cuddled her into his hard toned chest. He held her in one arm while holding one out for me.

"You two our my main priority now. I'm here to keep you safe. Both of you" He whispered as Jayde went into a peaceful sleep unaware of the dark world that remains behind these walls.

*Flashback/Dream ends*


The room was quiet only slight sounds from a old episode of waterloo road filled the room. I held onto Jaydes small Eyor teddy that she was given when she was born.

Thinking off Jayde...I should check on her. She was so silent. She has normally woken up by now to be settle down with a warm bottle of milk and a hush lulaby.

I walked up to Shays small spare room that only had a large bed and a cheap crib.

I walked over to the oak crib and saw a peaceful Jayde. I smiled to myself thinking of this beautiful life that I have brought into this world.

My smiled slowly faded when I saw something was wrong.

Her small weak chest wasn't moving. 

She wasn't moving.

I slowly picked her up in my weak trembling arms and slowly raising her in front of me.

I done the first thing which was to call someone.

I dialed James' number but there was no answer.

I dialed Shay thankfully he answered on the third ring.

"Cara? Everything alright?" He worriedly asked.

"N-no..Its Jayde...She's not breathing. I-i--"I cried choking on all the words.

"I'm on my way!" He panicked and hung up.

I flopped my head back and fell onto my knees crying out for forgiveness.

I held on for onto the lifeless baby that laid cold in my arms.

I lied.

I didn't keep her safe.

*End of flashback/Dream*

Cara's POV

My eyes darted open to some unfamiliar surroundings. The walls were crisp white with small family photos around the medium sized room. On the floor was a pile of boy clothes. Nearest to the bed was a grey top with rips on the shoulder and black jeans with rips on the knees,Calvin Klein boxers laid near....My clothes? My white lace bra and white lace girl boxers laid on the floor along with yesterdays clothes. It didn't take me long to realize that my bare body was pressed onto someone elses who was laying on the side. My eyes widened at the sight of.....

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