Chapter, 45

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'Shit!' I cursed and ran in the training room only to find everyone dozed off on their desks. The glasses were chattered on the floor and the drinks spilled out.

Seeing them like that felt too weird. Seeing it in movies and experiencing it in real life are two different things. When reality hits you, you stumble and some even fall but you have to get back up. Eventually.

I shook my head, shaking and throwing the vulnerability aside. I can't waste anymore time. I shouldn't. I told myself.

My hands shook of the number of thoughts battling for dominance. Where would she go? What should I do now? Should I randomly follow her?

Busy  in my thoughts, my eyes landed on a object absent from Justin's desk.

The gun.

If luck would still exist for me, surely the chip would be on the gun and so I could track her. I rushed to Justin's table and looked around for other chip and sticked it below my ear. I rummaged under the desks, under their feet, below their chairs, for other chip , but when I didn't find it, for once, I let the happiness of the existence of the ray of hope settle in me.

An iPad was on the floor face-down which must've fallen from Austin's hand. I picked it up and touched HØMÉ screen where it requested the password. The lock screen wallpaper hinted the iPad to belong to Austin.

I stood up, leant Austin back on his chair , and asked, 'Hey,' I slapped on his face. 'Hey Austin,' I held his face in my hand. My eyes lingered down his neck where his veins started to show making it nastier. My eyes widened as I looked around the others.

The same scenario repeated with others. Their faces were paled and their veins sorted darkening. Stretching from their necks up to their faces. It didn't seem to be something common. Fear wrapped itself around me. I pushed down the lump formed in my throat. I can't waste anymore time.  'Hey buddy, what's the password?' I asked.

He opened his eyes for a split second but closed it again. 'Austin, hey, what's your I Pad's password?' I struggled for an answer. 'Austin!' He opened his eyes again, looked around and dozed off. I greeted my teeth. I knew he was doing it involuntarily but you know when panic and confusion mix, it always leads to anger. Or at least that's my recipe of fury.

I shook his by his collar but his head hung. I balled my hand and took a deep breath. Think Elsa...Think.

And I did.

By slapping forcefully across his cheek.

His eyes burst opened and widened. 'WHAT IS THE PASSWORD?!' I yelled and shook him from his collar.

Every passing minute was nothing but a waste and I couldn't afford to lose it. Stella must've gone far away but I couldn't lose hope. I couldn't give  Hades the satisfaction of taking away the only thing we have.

'Will you marry me?' He murmured and dozed off.

I arched my eyebrow. What the hell? But I can't trust Austin, either he was lying , but he can't lie while being dozed off so I typed it. First with capital letters, then smaller, without space and finally 'willUMarieMe.' Turned out to be the actual one.

The iPad unlocked and a screen with a gridded map popped out. A little green spot blinked on the screen indicating the direction of the chip. It wasn't far. But wasn't near either.

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