Sora's story books (Rewrite)

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Since I'm on thanksgiving break... I'm gonna rewrite a majority of this book-


Sora loved story books when he was younger, his older brother would always read them to him. His favorite one was when two knights, a mage and a soldier, would go looking for something.. or someone.

When he his mother was still around, she would joke around and call him a keyblade master. He never really fully understood what she meant by that, but he was having fun nonetheless. Sometimes when his other brother, Ventus, got home he would tell Sora about the bad guys. He always said, if he wasn't kind and nice to others, his heart would be taken from him. The story never really scared him, but it always got him.

One time his brother Roxas said if he didn't listen Sora would turn into a nobody. 'Everyone would forget me!?' Sora would shout Roxas would laugh and nod his head 'That's right!'. Sora remembered all of them, one tip he couldn't remember was what Vanitas had explained to him.

Every time he would try to remember his head would hurt. He tried asking him, but all Vanitas would do is shake his head. Now that Sora was older he could remember, though he never thought in this situation. Vanitas had once told him 'Sora never doubt the path you follow' 'why??' 'Cause you'll regret it' 'I would? Why??' BONK 'Ow!' 'Stop asking questions stupid!'. Sora loved those days.

There wasn't a moment or day he ever regretted hearing stories or spending time with them. Sora sighed in content as he set the very same book down. With that he shut his overly big window and shut off his lamp.


Word Count: 289

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