Not A Green Thumb (Ralph x reader)

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Warnings: None

Word count: 566

You had been with him for a while. Your house suddenly had become greener than ever, not that you minded it, you loved flowers and plants, but you weren't a green thumb. Ralph was so happy with tending the flowers and plants and it made you smile too. His hands were always dirty after working a whole day in garden and you eventually bought him gardening gloves, so he wouldn't take all the dirt with him inside. In some ways, he was like a child. He got over-excited about simple things, like when his flowers blossomed for the first time or he got a new, fancy watering can and then he jumped around the house for ages. He loved your kisses and in the beginning of your relationship he flushed dark blue even if the kiss was just a quick peck on the cheek. He babbled about how he wanted to thank you for being with him somehow, but he didn't know how. But now he had been quiet about it for several weeks.

"Y/N?" he called you and you peeked him from the kitchen.

"I'm here! I'm just making a sandwich for myself", you answered, and he came to you, handing you a pair of orange gardening gloves. You eyed at him curiously.

"Ralph wants to teach Y/N to take care of the garden!" he exclaimed, you smiled and took the gloves to your own hands, which made him jump excitedly in place.

"Okay, Ralph. I'll just finish this sandwich and then I'll come", you said and kissed him on the cheek. Ralph let out the happiest squeal and it made you chuckle.

"Y/N will be the best at gardening in no time! Ralph will teach them all about gardening!" he smiled, hugged you and went back to the garden to wait for you. You quickly threw some salad and cucumber to your sandwich, took it with you and went to the garden.

"Ralph will first show how to know how much water plant needs, Y/N can just watch, but soon they'll be planting new flowers to their own place, Ralph has reserved Y/N their own place!" Ralph explained, and you watched him, smiling for how precious your boyfriend was, he would go through fire for you.

Soon you were on your knees, watching closely as Ralph showed you how you transfer a pot flower to ground and then you got to do it yourself. Ralph made sure your hands were steady and clapped his hands when you got your first flowers to the ground and were covering the roots with mold and then watering them.

"Y/N was very good! Ralph is so proud of them!" he exclaimed and practically jumped to hug you. You fell into ground and Ralph squeaked, immediately getting off of you. "Did Ralph hurt Y/N, he's very sorry! He..." you cut him off with a kiss.

"No, it didn't hurt." you reassured and hugged him. "Thank you for showing me how to take care of the flowers. Maybe I'm a green thumb after all, I just need a little guidance." you smiled, pulled out of the hug and held his cheek.

"Y/N will be a green thumb. Ralph makes sure they will be." he said quietly. You both glanced the descending sun, which painted the city with its final light rays, then got up and went back inside, hand-in-hand.

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