Connor & a FTM s/o HC's

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A/N: Please note that I no longer write for FTM/male readers because writing those make me feel uncomfortable. I have reasons for this and if you're interested, read my "info about male readers"-chapter. It's a little below "Thank You [Connor]" chapter. Also because I got very harshly criticized about writing this because I'm not a trans male and I was told I'm shaming trans males as a cis woman.

When you first told him you were a trans male, he didn't even question it. You were expecting a long list of questions regarding your feminine looks and your body build, but he didn't ask anything. Yeah, Hank could've told him about how he should react, but you didn't believe it. He just hugged you and thanked you for telling him. (btw, I see that gif as Connor's reaction face when you tell him that you're a male, he looks kinda relieved that you mustered the courage to tell him ♥)

You were a bit worried at first whether Connor wanted to continue your relationship but Connor was just being more affectionate towards you so you abandoned the thoughts and fears of Connor leaving you.

You cut your hair to a more "manly" style, though it was short for months before that. Connor says that you are really handsome with your new hair and it will get you to smile for the rest of the day.

If your family doesn't approve you coming out, Connor would try to speak some sense to them. It would end to be something furious and your sweet Connor would just slam his hands on the the table while confronting your parents and siblings.

"Don't you know what Y/N is going through because of you?! Family should be there when someone has the courage to come out and be what they are! What does it matter, when your daughter is now your son? Does it change anything in his personality?"

And if you were afraid about coming out to your family, Connor would be there, reassuring everything would be alright and he's there to protect you if they don't accept you as you are.

If you decide to take T (testosterone), Connor would be there to help to take your shots. He'd insist to help, even if you say you don't need help. He's very afraid you will hurt yourself with the needle, even when it's super safe modern needle that you just "snap" in your thigh and wait for T to go in from the tube.

You would laugh together when your voice starts to do do those up-down-things.

And in the end, you'd be the cutest couple ever. And Connor never stops calling you handsome, while he kisses your nose. And you feel more happy than you've ever felt in your whole life, when you get to be exactly who you are.

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