Anger (Ralph x reader)

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118: " Are you mad at me? "

119: " Stop ignoring me... "

Warnings: Reader has been bullied in high school. If you are really sensitive to that topic, choose if you want to read or not. It's a mention with little bit of describing, but nothing graphic or anything like that. Also angst and reader is a bit "mean" because they are ignoring Ralph? Ralph is Ralph, as always :D

Word count: 707


Ralph was waiting for you in your living room from your work. He had bought you chocolate and made a gorgeous bouquet from your favorite flowers. He waited anxiously and nearly jumped when he heard your apartments' front door open. He heard you coming in, huffing in frustration and then he heard your bedroom door slamming shut.

"Y/N?" he called out, walked over to your bedroom door and knocked. "Ralph doesn't... he doesn't know what has happened. Would Y/N tell him?"

You didn't answer. You didn't react to Ralph's words at all, so Ralph came in.

"What's wrong?" he asked and sat beside you on bed. You huffed, stood up and walked out of the room. Ralph looked after you puzzled, why were you acting like this? Ralph went after you, finding you sitting on the living room's couch, your face in your hands.

"Is Y/N mad at Ralph? What did Ralph do?" he asked, his voice cracking a bit. You stood up again and grabbed your coat. Ralph's LED turned red. "Stop ignoring Ralph... stop it!" he yelled, you winced and at that very moment, Ralph's LED turned back to yellow. "Ralph is sorry! He is so sorry, he didn't mean to...!" he began to sob but you were already out, door slamming shut.

Ralph began to cry. He knew he wasn't good enough for you. He had stupid anger issues, and it was his fault alone that you were angry at him. Ralph didn't know what he did wrong, but it's his fault anyway. Maybe he was so bad that he didn't deserve to know. He didn't deserve you. He was too stupid! He would blame himself for days, weeks, years. Maybe it was better to just give up and tell his systems to shut down. So he wouldn't hurt anyone never again. He started gathering his things, so you wouldn't have trouble with cleaning his trash because he didn't care to do it himself. Ralph paced around your apartment, occasionally bursting into tears and other times he was mumbling himself how stupid he was.

After an hour, you were back home. Ralph immediately began to panic and told you he would be gone in a moment and you wouldn't have to see him ever again.

"Ralph, what are you talking about?" you asked and Ralph began to sob again.

"Y/N is mean to Ralph, but Ralph deserves it, he's so stupid, he's just going to shut himself down so he wouldn't have to cause any trouble to anyone ever again!" he sobbed and you were by his side in seconds, hugging him tightly.

"Ralph, I met my high school bully on the way home. She wasn't any different, she called me ugly names. I was mean to you, I should have known that you don't deserve it. I was just so angry with her, I felt like I'm just gonna go and choke her for the things she did to me." you felt tears coming to your eyes. "I'm really sorry, I'm a terrible person because I made you feel that you are a worthless person. I love you and I will always love you. I just... wasn't sane at the moment. I acted wrong towards you. I'm so sorry."

Ralph was quiet, contemplating your words. Then he hugged you back, squeezing you tight against him.

"Ralph didn't know. He... he is sorry he shocked Y/N. He won't do it again." he mumbled, you pulled out of the hug and looked at him.

"Ralph, you don't have to apologize. I have to apologize. I'm really sorry. You are such a wonderful boyfriend, and I am such a lucky person to have you as a boyfriend." you pulled him close to you, kissing his lips softly.

Ralph let out a shaky breath and then intertwined his fingers with yours. After standing a moment like that, his LED started to change color to blue.

"Y/N... is not mad at Ralph?" he asked one more time, like he needed to hear it one last time. You smiled at him again and kissed him.

"No, Ralph. I'm not angry at you. I love you." you said and Ralph smiled, still tears in his eyes.

"Ralph loves Y/N too."

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