Chapter 6

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It has been a week or so since we have become ninja. All that we have done is go on simple D-rank mission. Our mission today is to find a missing cat. We have radios with us so we can communicate with each other while we are apart.

"Angel, I'm at point D." I said over the radio.

"Sasuke, I'm at point B." Sasuke said.

"Sakura, I'm at point C." Sakura said.

"Naruto, I'm at point A. Believe it." Naruto said.

"You're slow Naruto. Okay sqaud 7 hm? The target has moved follow it."Kakashi said. We moved closer to the target. "What's your distance from the target?"

"Five meters it ready just give me the signal." Naruto said.

"I'm reay too." Sasuke said.

"So am I." Sakura said.

"Okay....NOW!" Kakashi yelled. We all when to grab the cat.

"I got him. I got him!" Naruto said holding the cat. Poor thing. It kept scratching at tryed to get out of the grips of Naruto.

"Did you varify the ribbon on the right ear."Kakashi said.

"Here give me the cat." I said to Naruto as I put my arms out to get the cat. Naruto gave me the cat and it calmed down as I pet it.

"Affirmative. We've got a positive ID." Sasuke said.

"Right. Lost pet Torra found. Mission accomplished"Kakashi said.


"Naruto calm down before I kick your ass. Your gonna scare the cat away."I said to him.

"How did you got him so calm?" Naruto askedmy as he stared at me.

"I don't know. I guess that I'm just good with animals."I said as I started to walk to the Hokage's office. When we got to the office I handed the cat to it's owner. She almost crushed him to death. The cat stared at me as if it wanted to kill me. 'Sorry' I mouthed to the cat.

"Haha stupid cat he deserves to be squashed."Naruto said. I hit him on the arm.

"Shut up." I said to him.

"No wonder he ran away."Sakura said.

"Now then for squads 7 next misson we have several avalible tasks." The Hokage said. I blocked him out for the most part.

"No I wanna go on a real mission! Something challenging and exciting, not this little kid stuff. Come on old man."Naruto yelled interupting my thoughts. He had a point. I'm tiered of these D-rank missions. They are to simple.

"How dare you! You're just a brand new genin with no experiance. Like everyone else you start with simple missons to develope your skills and prove your selfs." Iruka scolded at us.

"Are you serious? Babysitting is not a mission. It's just a stupid-" Naruto said before Kakashi hit him.

"Will you put a lid on it?" Kakashi asked him.

"Well Naruto dose have a point. I mean how can we develope skills and prove our selfs if we don't go on challenging missons to learn those skills and prove that we can handle it?" I said agreeing with him.

"Naruto! Angel! It seems that you two don't understand the missions you have been given." The Hokage said. I just gave him a confused look." Listen, many differant kinds of request come into our village everyday, from babysitting to assassinations. These request are carefully recorded, analized and ranked A,B,C,or D, depending on difficulty. We Ninja are also ranked by ability. Hokage at the top, Jounin, Chunin, and Genin at the bottom." The Hokage said before Naruto started to talk about ramen. "SILENCE!" The Hokage yelled after he notice that nobody was listening. I jumped behind Sasuke out of fear. I could see a smirk grow across his face. I hit him in the arm.

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