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Lauren's POV

"Ssh don't cry, Ladybug. Listen, I will going back to take you and amy and dani from here okay? I love you. Don't you ever forget that. I will coming back, I promise."

I still remember that day, when Lisa decided to left the house. Left me. Lisa is the one who always be there whenever I feel lonely or need some hugs. Everything is really messed up when Kathrine left. At first I thought we will be able to continue the band without Christina in it. But we realized, it will never be the same. We're Cimorelli. Six sisters. We're not Cimorelli if we just showed up infront of camera with five sisters.

For two years got beaten by our parents, I still stand up and tell myself for being strong. I still hold on to Lisa's promise. I almost give up, but I remember her words. And I believe that Lisa will coming for me. But after this whole ranaway thing, I don't think she will coming back. Two years I've been waiting, but, theres no any sign of her would coming back. Everything got worse when mom took our phone away, the computer, the piano. Everything. We cant calling up anyone. One time I tried to message Katherine by my friend's phone, but its not working. We completely lost contact.

"Hey, you cant sleep here." I shrugged when I heard a man talking. We're still in a park. Amy and Dani woke up because of my movement. "I'm sorry sir, we just ran out of money and decided to sleep here til morning." Isaid. Its not a lie tho. And its not even morning. The sun is not rise yet, I still can hear cricket's sound.

"Its okay. I'm Caleb, by the way and you don't have to be afraid of me." He offered a handshake. And I accepted it. "I'm Lauren and these two are my sister. Dani and Amy." Caleb is a pretty cute guy. He has dimples one ach side of his cheeks. his brown hair looks cool, and he's taller than me. Obviously he was on his running jam, because he wore short pants, plain whitet-shirt, and black Adidas shoes.

After the introduce session, Amy and Dani excused because they wanted to buy some food. They left me and told me to asked direction. Caleb looks like a nice guy.  I don't fully trust him tho.

"So what are you doing here with your sister? No offense but you guys don't look like homeless that much." He said. I smiled, "We...looking for our older sister." I cant tell him that my parents abused us and we ranaway right?

He nodded. "By the way I live here for like ten years. And I know this area, this city. Where are you going?"

"Oh, we're going to Sacramento. My sister live there, so...yea."

"Oh! Sacramento! Yea, I know, a beautiful place."

I look at him. "Do you know how far is it from here? and we kinda need direction." He nod. "yeah, actually its pretty far. But I can give you guys a ride. I'll drive to Sacramento for photography thing."

My eyes goes wide. In shocked. Is he really offering a ride? I mean we just met twenty minutes ago! "Oh my God, that's so kind of you! Do you not mind? I mean we're strangers. We dont even know each other."

He smiled.

"Let's start to knowing eachother then."

I blushed.

Amy's POV

Right after that Caleb guy introduce himself to us, I asked dani to buy some food. Because I can tell that we're definitely hungry, and we need directions, so I told lauren to ask him. We found a minimarket. They're open for 24 hours, we enters and looking for food. We picked some breads and snacks, and mineral water. I paid and then we left the minimarket. "Am, is Sacramento still far? I don't think we could reach there and still have money."

She was right. Theres only ten dollars left. "I don't know, Dan. We'll trying to find a ride okay? Don't worry. As long as we together, its going to be fine." Dani nod as we continue to walk to the park. Its not that far tho, the park. We're arrived, and saw Lauren packed our things back into the bag.

"So, you get us the direction?" I asked. She look at us and smile.

"Much better. Caleb offered a ride, and I accepted it. He knew the road, and he said its fine, he could give us a ride." I smiled. We jumped around and smile.

God really helps us.

I look at my younger sisters. They're jumping around while put their hands on the air. And then I saw something.


Lisa's POV

Kath and I hang in my apartment all night long. I apologize to Taylor because I cant make it to the studio. She knows what we're up to. Besides, she knows Katherine. And she said okay, and goodluck.

We're spending hours to find our sisters twitter or facebook or Instagram account. We did found it, but unfortunately they're active two years ago. They don't use their social media for like two years! What happened to them? I mean, Dani's always posted everyday. Back when the band still exist, she would posted a tweet every two hour. Lauren always retweeted Taylor Swift, and amy or Christina will post tweets like advice or wisdom words. Its strange to see their last active is two years ago. There must be something wrong.

"Okay, I thought I have an idea." Kath said, I look at her.Ready to listen the idea.

"We're going to our old house."

Wow yes. i decided to added Lisa's pov because if i didnt, this will be a very short chapter. and im not okay with that okay?!?!?!?!? by the way, comments guys, i love to reply to comments hahahahahahhahahha. okay then, see ya in next chapt ladiesss!!!

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