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Dani's POV

We're here! In Sacramento.

"Welcome to Sacramento!" Caleb shout, and we cheered. I feel so excited. We're drive until the we enter the city. The street started to busy, I look at my left side and see stores along the street. People going in and out. And I saw this group of girls. They laughing like no ones watching. I smile, feel my heart warm, and then a tear out from my eyes without even realized it.

They just like us. Cimorelli sisters. We used to hang out to some ice cream shop, or to taco bell, we laughed when Lisa pouting because she doesn't like taco. We laughed like theres no one stare at us. I wish I could go back to that time, when everything just fine and we laugh like idiots while eating ice cream, or drag Lisa to enter the taco bell.

"Oh, its okay, Dan. We'll find them." Amy hug me, she saw them too, and see my tears. Caleb looking at us through the reaview mirror. He didn't say anything, he understand. I liked him tho. Not like the Lauren way, but as a brother. He is a nice guy. and im done liking an older guy. its not gonna work.

Lauren look at us smiling, but I know shes hurt. Looking at us hurt.

Lauren's POV

When Dani and Amy hugging eachother, I can see they hurt by the view. I saw them too, the girls. I remember that day when we laughed like that, and it hurts. The fact that we are out here trying to get our sisters back, trying to have a moment like that again, is hurt me. And see that hurt in Dan and Ames eyes just hurt me more. I swear I will find my sisters even when it takes forever to find them.

We're in the heart of Sacramento right now. We need to start somewhere. "Caleb, thankyou so much for the ride. You are the our life saver. I hope we could meet again." I said. Caleb looking at me and smile. Oh he's cute. Amy and Dani tell him thankyou and stuff, and then Amy asked him to pull us over infront of a mini market.

"Wait!" Caleb said. "In case you need me or something, here, my card id." He handed me his card.

Nistina Group

Caleb Augustin


"Thankyou, Caleb." I hug him. I don't even know what was going on. He hug me back, I can smell his parfume. I hope I could meet him again, I want to be friend with him. He's fun and looks like easy going. Then he hug Amy and Dani. We say bye, and Caleb drive away with his car. I still look at his car until I cant see it dessapears in the busy street.

"He really is a nice guy." Amy said. "Yeah." I replied.

"Okay, we have to start. But also we have to buy food. With ten dollars, we have to survive okay?"

Oh my gosh. Wish us luck.

Christina's POV

We have arrived at my parents house.

The wild grass are everywhere, the bushes grow until it touches the window, tha paint looks bad. i saw some spider at the ceiling. This is really look like a haunted house. I stare from the car. Kath, Ames, and I used to cleaned all of the window, the floor. and then every month we will going to cut the wild grass together as a family. I remember when Michael and Dani pranked Lisa when we were cut the grass. And then at afternoon we will have a picnic in our backyard, which I can tell is very messy right now, I repeated, wild grass are everywhere.

I miss those days. When we laugh and smile as a family. Mom and Kath cook, while Dad tell us jokes. Nick realize that I drown in my own thoughts, and he take my hand and kissed the back of it. he smile, and I cant help but smile to him.

"Hey Chris, you'll be okay. I will stand by your side, don't be afraid, okay?" He said and kissed my forehead. I nod, and then we're out ofthe car. We walk down side by side. I held his arm, and he kissed my head.

"Nick, I don't think anybody is home. And why would they let the grass grow until it touch the window?" I asked when we're about few meters from the car. "I don't know, lets find out then."

"Nick, stop." I said. He look at me, confused. "Whats wrong?"

"I want to look around first." He nod, and then we walked down to the backyard. I want to memorize everything, throwback and stuff. This house really creepy. I don't know what was going on, but everything just creepy. When we arrived at the backyard, I stare at a big tree surrounded by wild grass. Long unwanted bushes are everywhere.

Me and my siblings used to hang a lot on that tree. I remember when Nick, my brother, fell off and broke his left arm. Dani was so mad at herself because she's the one who asked us to play on the tree. She was just hang out with nick until his arm feeling better.

And then theres a memory come again. When Lisa used to sat on the highest branch while painting her nails. Avoiding me and Kath, because she knows that we will yelling at her because she doesn't clean the kitchen when it was her and Ames turn. She's wild. We never knows when she entered or left the room. She always have the way out. But the windows is always her number one escape from the house.

I look up and see the window. Lisa used to crawled from there. It was Lisa, Lauren, and Dani's room window. I look at it, and realize theres something wrong. Its still bright, why would they close the window?

"Its weird." Nick said. He look at the window, and then the door. And this is a weird silence. I mean, this is a big house, and as long as I live here, this house never be a quiet house. Everyone must be yelling the whole time, or from where I stand, absolutely we will hear some Big Time Rush from Lisa, Dani, and Lauren's room.

"Lets see through the window!" I said, and grab Nick. "Babe, its your parents house, why would you sneak? You make us like robbers now." I look at Nick, and take a deep breath.

"Because, Nick, my soon to be husband, this is weird. This house is creepy, there is only silent, which is you know that's impossible, and the point is, I just wonder if my parents still live here."

Nick sighed. "Okay, lets go princess."

We walked to the window, and we look around the inside.

Everything just stay the same as I left this house. But the difference only it very quiet and less stuff and dust is everywhere. Maybe mom and dad sell it all out, because you know, they did sell the piano. Who knows they selling others stuff too?

But where are my sisters? They are not around. When I was about saying things to Nick, someone—no, two people walking down the stairs. They have a fight.

It was my parents.

My mom behind my dad, trying to talk to him. While dad, well being the new dad, he yelling calling her names. Nick and I move a little down, so they wont see us. Nick is not saying anything, and me either. We just there, watching the whole fight. It ended by my dad hit my mom. I gasp, and Nick wrapped his arms around me. We sat under the window, while breathing. I cant watch my parents again. No.

"Are you still want to talk with them?" Nick said. I cried on his chest. I really want to say no, but I think things goes really bad. what about my sisters? I don't want to leaving them again. They'll hate me more if they knew that I come by, but have no courage to talk to our parents. No. I wont let them hates me more.

"Lets go, Nick."


and dont forget to comment, let me know what you think!!!!!!1111!!!1

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