thirty nine

868 25 4

Kath's POV


"Hey, Kath." I heard Nick's voice on my phone. He's the one who picked up Christina's phone. "Oh, hey, Nick. Where's Chris?"

I heard him sighing. "She's asleep. So are your other three sisters. They had a rough times a while ago."

I narrowed my eyebrow, "What do you mean by having a roughtimes?"

"Looks like Christina told them about what happened earlier,and Lauren had a panic attack." I gasped. Oh my gosh. And I know clearly what does he mean by earlier. The incident. The incident that caused Lisa ended up in this hospital. "What? But she is okay, right? I mean, right now."

"Yeah, she's okay, she's asleep now." I sighed in relief, at least she is okay now. "How's Lisa?"

"Uhm, the good news is she will wake up in four or five hours. And the bad news is, she will be wake up in so much pain. That is what the doctor said to me. And where are you, Nick? How long do you think that you will arrived here?" I asked him. "I don't know, maybe in less than five hours. The street was not so busy, and there is no traffic jam in the middle of the night."

I chuckled. "Yeah, right. Oh, and Lisa is already moved to the VIP room, tell me if you guys have arrived okay?"

"Okay, see you later, Kath." I said okay, and then hang up the phone. I am not as hysteria as I was in to few hours ago. The thoughts of meeting my three baby sisters make me feel a lot better. It reduced the thoughts of what happened back there at that house. I don't want to look miserable infront of my three youngest sisters that I haven't see for two years. I have to look strong and okay for them, even if I have to pretend about it. They are too young to carry these things. Enough for them to have a rough life back when they were still live in that house. Let the ones who left the house do their role and handle everything from now on.

I look at a peaceful Lisa, and then kissed her forehead. "You are not alone, Lise. I'll be right there, sit on the couch."

I walk to the couch, and sit there. Right before I called Chris number, I made my way to the parking lot, to take the journals that I brought from that house. And I bought snacks and drinks, because I'm starving. I look at a stack of books on the table. I take one, and started to read it.

It was Amy's

Hey journal.

It's Amy.

Mom and Dad decided to not homeschooled us anymore, they send us to a public school. I will start as a freshman, while Dani and Lauren will start in the Junior High. Actually, this is our first day in public school. My first impression; highschool, is drama. I didn't say that it was bad, but for real, it was so dramatic. There is a lot of people who considered themselves as queens, or kings, or anything that only appeared in childhood stories. Ugh.

I smiled and laughed a little. The image of Amy appear in my head. I miss her so much. We used to talk for hours about everything. I open the next page.

Hey journal.

It's me again, Amy. Or Chris used to call me the short lady. Yes, I am short.

It's been a week since I lived my life as a normal teenager, un-homeschooled. People in school were always asking me about what it feels like being homeschooled. They asked that almost everyday. I think I will write what-it-feels-like-being-homeschooled on a huge paper, and put it on the wall, so everyone can read it and not asking me the same question for every frickin day.

I laughed. Okay, Ames. You should do that.

Oh and, something bad happened. Mom and dad starts to beat Lauren daily. I don't know why did they always hit her. I get it that she is seems weak, but she is not. Lauren is a strongest person I've ever met. she was just couldn't stand for herself, so I did it for her. yesterday I put myself infront of Lauren, to protected her from Dad's fist. And yeah, so Lauren and I, we get beaten daily.

I gasped, oh my god. I open the next page.

Hey journal.

I don't have to tell you who I am, because I guess you already know, right?

Things goes bad. Dani got slapped today. It was a painful slap, I could tell you that because now I see there is a bruise on her cheek. Here's what happened. Dani asked them about our allowance. And mom couldn't accepted it. she starts to talk about how much we have spend her money, bla bla, and then slapped Dani because she thinks my sister is an un-grateful child. Lauren and I have to comfort her, make her calm for like half an hour. By the way, I already moved my stuff to Dani and Lauren's room. because, Lisa was no longer exist in this house. I mean, she left us, weeks ago, just like Chris and Kath did.

I feel guilty again now. And the image of my parents appear in my head. I clenching my fist. Until I didn't realize that I crumpled Amy's journal. I take a deep breath, I don't want to have a mental breakdown right now. not when my baby sister is in the hospital, not when I am about to meet my three baby sisters. I feel myself more calm, and then continue to read the journal.

Little did I know, I will read something that makes me hate my parents so much.

Amy's POV

I am not sleeping.

I tried to, but I can't. I just close my eyes and listen to this country song that the radio station played. I always love country music, so I enjoyed that radio station a lot.

Too much things haunting my mind, that is why I can't sleep. Nick is driving right now, and I really want to tell him so speed up, but safety is always first. I really can't wait to meet Kath and Lisa. But the fact that we will meet a sick Lisa, is makes me worried. The thought of our time together is become the main topic in my head. Not just me and Lisa, but us. The cimorelli sisters. It was a beautiful time.

And then Chris' phone is ringing. She's sleeping so I guess Nick picking it up.

It was Kath.

I want to talk to her so badly, but I remember what was Chris said. She is not well and I thought, I better talk to her in real life, face to face, not through the phone. After all, we haven't met for two years, it would be so dramatic when we saw each other later.

I feel my self getting tired, and somehow I know that I am going to the dreamland.

Hope I have a nice dream. I wish I dream about my perfect family. Back when everything was still perfect.




AND BY THE WAY GUYS, THE GIRLS HAVE ONE BILLION VIEWERS ON YOUTUBE. LETS MAKE IT 2B!!! first, log out your youtube account, log in again, and then starts to stream!!! lets do this for them!!!!!!!

COME ON CIMFAM!!!!!!!!!!!!




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