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Dani's POV

When Lauren called me and Amy, I was asking a guy about Christina. I walked towards her, well the florist shop. Amy following me behind. Lauren looks happy and excited. What happened?

"What? What is it? you found something?" Amy asked. Lauren nod with excitement, and then holding one of my and Amy's hand, drag us enter the shop. I found an old lady sit on a chair while looking at our picture that Lauren have. Each of us have a picture, so we can split up and ask people about Christina.

"Who is she?" I whispered to my two older sisters. It's just four of us, in this room. Surrounded by flowers. Mom would like this place if we're still a normal family. But, we're not a normal family now, so yea.

Anyway, Lauren not answering my question. She walk towards the old lady and talk something. I think she talking about me and Ames, because the old lady look at us as soon as Lauren talk to her. She—the old lady smile warmly to us, I can see her wrinkled skin more clearly when she smile. I smile to her, and then grab Amy's hand, and walking towards her and Lauren who standing next to her.

"I'm Daisy, you can call me Daisy, just like everyone else." She said, still have that smile on her face. "And you must be Chrissy's other sisters, right?"

Wait, what? "Chrissy? You know my sister Christina?" Amy said something that I have in mind.

And it's surprised me. Chrissy is our nickname to Christina when we were younger, when everything still perfect. I used to call her Chrissy when I was sick and want a cuddle moment with her. I know I already said that I hate Christina, but we have our best time together before everything is broken. I always went to her, Kath and Amy's room to just cuddling with her, my oldest sister. She will telling me a story about this princess who always want to cuddle with her sisters and how adorable plus a little annoying that is. I would laugh out loud and then fall asleep in her arms without me even realizing it. Don't tell her, but I have the best cuddle moment only with her. okay, back to present.

"Yes, She's my friend. You know, she's funny and really easy going. She loves flower, so she came by every two days." Daisy said. "She did mentioned that she have sisters, but I never met one of her sisters, so I'm glad that I met her sisters today." She gave us a big smile. We're sit on the chair right now. There is only a table infront of us.

"Tell us about her, please. We really want to know how she's doing." Amy said. Daisy gave us a warm smile and then nod. "Looks like Im going to give you a long night."

Just when she's about to start, something steal the attention.

Oh, not something. But someone.

HE brought a tray with the glasses of tea on it. He looks focus, and...cute. When he comes, all of us looking at him. Well, I take a look at him a lil longer, because I want to study him by his movement, by his eyes trying to focus looking at the glasses, maybe he was afraid if the tea spilling. Her black hair just so cute, it is a perfect wave hair on a boy head. I drowned in my own thoughts, until Daisy introduce him "This is my grandson, Billy. Billy, this is Chrissy's sisters."

He smiled to me. Well, to us. Listen I don't want to be so naïve, but I swear he looks at me a little bit longer. "Hey, I'm Billy, the grandson of this beautiful girl." He said while pointing to Daisy. He is ADORABLE and funny, and.. ah I will stop.

"I am Dani," I said when we stop laughing. "And these two are my older sisters, Lauren and Amy."

"Oh, well nice to meet you." He said. And he look at me.

Oh my gosh, I am in shocked.

Amy's POV

Great. Now we have found someone who know about Christina. And my youngest sister get herself a boy. First Lauren, and now Dani. Oh my gosh, when is my fricking chance?! It's okay tho, no man no tears!

"Okay, I'm going back, then." Billy said. I think he's a nice boy, because when I loot at him treat his grandma is so cute. Heck no, if you think I like him the way Dani liked him, get rid of that thing in your mind, like right now. When he is about to turn around, Daisy stop him. "No, join us. I don't want to see your butt glued to the bed again."

Billy widened his eyes, "I will if you stop talking about my hobbies." We laugh. And then he walk towards the empty chair, which is lucky for Dani, because it was next to her, the only one empty chair. He sat between Dani and Daisy. Double D. I can see Dani is happy right now, because she is smiling like an idiot. Lucky her, Billy is an easy going person, so he smile back.

"Okay, where can I start?" Daisy bring back the attention to her.

"Um, what about when you first met her?" Lauren said and I nod. Daisy smile and take a deep breath, and then she begin to tell us the whole story.

The old lady could write a book about her and Christina because it is so dang long. So I will make it more short.

Daisy telling us that she met Christina when my sister looking for some flowers. Christina would like to talk with Daisy because she has no one except Nick in this town. Chris always have a convos with Daisy if she was in town. I remembered, Chris left two years ago, but she always went to sacramento for like twice a month to visit Nick for two years. Chris, Kath and Mom are the ones who likes flowers. Anyway, Christina did tell Daisy about us. About the band. It surprised me that this old lady still remember everything that happened years ago. I mean, I can tell you that she is old. And mostly, they will forget things when they became old people. I'm just saying.

Billy added up some to the story. He knows Christina as well. "This two years she doesn't talk about you guys that much. She would be sad, mad and not having a mood to have a joke with me if I talk about her sisters. I don't know what happened, she didn't tell us, because I think that makes her hurt in some ways we don't know." Billy boy said.

Christina didn't hate us. She loves us. That's why she's hurt when someone talk about us. I look at Dani. And I can see her eyes already watery. I hold her hand under the table tightly. Trying to show her that everything is okay. Lauren look at us, and I hold her hand too. I sat between her and Dani by the way. "What happened to you, ladies? Why are you in here looking for her? And I saw you asking people about Chrissy." Daisy said. I look at Lauren, when she look at me too. She nod. I sighed and decided to tell Daisy the story. Besides,she's a friend of Christina, and she already helps us with tell us how much Chris loves us.

"Two years ago..." I told her and Billy about our abusive parents, Christina left us, Kath and Lisa left us, and how did we can survive this whole time. I told her about the ranaway. The struggle, and the helps that given by God. She looks at us with watery eyes. I don't know that our life that miserable until Daisy wiped off her own tears. Billy look at us with pity. I felt Dani's hand hold my hand tight when I was talking about our life. She makes me strong, just like I did to her few minutes ago.

"You are welcomed here. Chrissy is my friend, I already considered her as my own granddaughter. And you too. You have to stay for tonight, and I cant take a no today." Daisy said.

And now my eyes filled with tears. So did Dani's and Lauren's. We hug eachother, and then hug Daisy.

God is helping us. He really is. And I am very grateful.

OOH YEAS! finally they found someone who know about chrissy! this is a long chapter i've ever wrote for this fanfic hahaha enjoy!

and i still cant get thone 'eat clothes' comments out of my mind hahaha, its freaking hilarious. and by the way, I AM SO EXCITED TO POST THE NEXT CHAPT—i already wrote it btw—BECAUSE KATH LISA AND CHRIS WILL GET SOME CLUES OH MY GOSH I AM SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW AND CANT WAIT TO YOU GUYS TO READ IT!!!!!

pls, make me more excited by comments to this!!!!!!!!!!!!

i love youuuuu

enjoy babiesssssssssssssssssssssssssss:) see ya tomorrow!

i have some free times, so here, enjoy reading this! i published this more early than yesterday! :))))

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