twenty nine

791 26 10

Kath's POV

I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are red and I can see dry tears on my cheeks. I am in the hospital bathroom right now. After two minutes looking at myself, I look down. And see Lisa's blood in my hands. It was already dry of course. My hands are shaking because the thoughts of what happened come back again, haunting my head. I remember clearly every movement, every second of it. I stare at my shaking hands, while feeling the tears comes out of my eyes and didn't even go through my cheeks. It falls straight to my hands. That's the moment when I thought that I am in a real pain.

I starts to turn on the faucet. I rub my both hands roughly, not wanting to see the blood again. It caused hot burning in my both hands but I don't care. I don't want to see my sister's blood again. A little piece of my mind is screaming that I failed to protect her. protect Lisa, my precious baby sister. I broke down crying, fell on my knee without bothering to turn of the faucet. I still rub my hands. I can see that the blood is not there anymore, but I still feel it. I feel that the blood is still in my hand. After a few minute, I give up. I let my hands fell on the ground, while I cry.

And then I saw Christina enter the bathroom. Thanks God it was Christina, not somebody else. Probably they think I'm crazy or something. Or am I?

"Shh, it's okay." She hug me tight. I feel my hands are weak, so I don't hug her back. I just resting my head on her chest. She strokes my hair while saying things that makes me a bit calm.

"I saw it, Chris. I saw him hit Lisa. I saw Lisa on the ground and blood was out of her head. I saw it all, Chris. I failed. I have failed to protect my baby sisters. First the youngest three, now Lisa. That means I have failed to protect our youngest four sisters. I am a bad sister. I don't deserved to be called sister by them. I shouldn't just stand there when he hit Lisa on the head. I could have protect her if I moved fast enough to enter the room. I could have protect her if I refused to stay outside. I co—" Christina cut me off.

"STOP, KATH!" I gasp, surprised. She hold up my head, so I could see her eye to eye. "Listen, you can't blame yourself like this. This is happened, and we can't change it. it happened the way it is. You are not the only one who have failed to protected our baby sisters. I am the oldest, and I feel horrible as the way you are right now. But blame ourselves right now is not the right thing to do, we have to clear our mind, because it is now just us who have to handle everything. We will figured things out later one by one. We have to be strong for all of them. Our little sisters. For them."

Christina's voice cracks when she said all those things. She's crying now with me. I nod and then hug her, do not care about the feeling like burning in both of my hands. "Thankyou, Chrissy. Let's be strong for them, our baby sisters."

I feel Christina's smile on my head. She kissed my head. "I have a great news." I lift my head up and give her a what-is-it look.

"I know where our three youngest sisters are."

Lauren's POV

We're on our way to Christina's house.

I am so lucky to found Daisy. I never thought Christina have this great old woman as a good friend. I love Daisy. Even when Chris decided to not accepting us, I will love Daisy forever. I will visit this town to meet this lovely old lady. Anyway, we're in Daisy's mini van. The old lady and her grandson sit on the front, while the three of us sit in the back. As the trip begin, we sing along to some country songs, Daisy is very love old songs, just like Amy. My older sister sing along with Daisy as loud as the old lady can sing. We all will be laugh whenever Daisy starts to choked because she can't handle some high notes.

"Hey! Don't you ever mocking me because I can't reach those high notes, inappropriate!" the three of us close our mouth as soon as Daisy said that. And then Daisy and Billy laughing. "I am just kidding. No need to be that serious tho."

I sighed. "Daisy, you scared me! I thought you were mad of us." Dani said while leaning her back to the seat. "Hahahaha, I got you, and you, and you!" Daisy laugh while pointing at me, Ames, and Dani.

After twenty minutes in this car, Billy stopped the car right infront of a big house that I assumed it is Chirstina's house. "We're here."

I look at my two sisters right next to me. I sit in the middle of them by the way. I see Amy smiling, and I smiled back. While Dani, she is staring at the house without smile on her face. I hold Dani's hand. Trying to tell her that everything will be okay. She smile at me, and then nod. All of us get out of the car. After Billy locked it, he walks towards Dani and puched her hand softly. Dani is smiling to him, and punched him back. They starts to joking around while laughing. I love to see her like this, I love to hear those laugh back. And thanks to Billy, because of him, I could hear my spice laugh again.

Ames hold my hand and walk towards the door. Daisy is next to her. After we reached the door, I feel my heartbeat goes fast. I hold Amy's hand more tight, she understand and her thumb begin to rub my hand, trying to tell me that everything will be okay, just like I did to Dani earlier in the car.

Daisy starts to knock. But there is no answer.

"Looks like she's not home."


haha i have no words again by the way.




luv u



i mean it.


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