thirty six

857 25 1

Lauren's POV

We're on our way to Malibu.

Let's be honest, I still am shook by the news. Lisa? My moose is in the hospital? Why? I was so happy to meet Chrissy, but the minute after it, the news about Lisa is in a hospital in Malibu, wiped off all of my happiness this evening. I haven't met Lisa in two years, now we will see eachother in a hospital? It's true, by the way. If day always followed by night, then happiness will always followed by the sadness. I understand that now.

Anyway, Nick is fall asleep in the passanger seat. He must have so tired. I mean, Chris and Nick just arrived at Sacramento an hour ago, and now we're on our way to Malibu. Chris pulled off at a super market. "Come on, we have to buy food. It's a long trip to Malibu."

I didn't say anything because all I can think about is Lisa. Her smile, her face, her everything. Dani noticed it, and she hold my hand when we're already outside the car. We walk towards the super market leaving an unconscious Nick in the car. Chris and Amy lead the way. Chris put her arm around Amy's shoulder, and I don't know what are they talking about. Like I said, all I can think right now is Lisa. "She will be fine, Laur. You have to believe that." Dani said quietly so it's only me who could hear that.

I look at my Spice and smile. But still, I couldn't think anything else than Lisa. My moose, my older sister, my protector, my favorite cuddle person, my mentor.

The super market is not so crowded but not so quiet either. Afterall, it is just 7 pm, people are still hang out in this time. "Okay, Dani and Lauren, you two go grab some snacks. Amy and I will going to grab some drinks. And please take anything that you like, okay? Malibu is a long trip." We nod and smile to our oldest sister. I still cant believe that we will in this position. I thought Chris would not accepting us. See, sometimes it is our head that makes everything worse. Things not that bad, it was just our negative thoughts, and it is a very wrong decision to believe in that.

Dani and I, we're in the snack hallway. Dani starts to throw the snacks she choose into the basket. I just walk behind her, watching the basket on my hand. "Laur?" I blinked, and realize that Dani is caling me. "Huh? Yeah, what?"

Dani sighed. "I called your name for like ten times." I take a deep breath. "Sorry, I just worried about Lisa."

"We all are. And I will ask Chris about what was happened later, okay?" She wrapped her arm on my shoulder and pulling me closer. "Just, please don't think about the bad thing that we don't know if it's gonna happen or not, because it will just makes you feel worse. Trust me, Laur, I know."

Okay. I will try.

Lisa is okay, and I will see her smile in a few hours.

Christina's POV

I'm with Amy right now. We were just talking like we used to two years ago. Like nothing happened to us. This is why I love Amy, she just know what to say or what to do at the time like this. She never talked about her life in two years, which definitely I will going to ask her about that. Because I am afraid my baby sisters will have a trauma because of the abused that my parents did to them. I have to hear the whole stories from all of them, but not now. Because right now, all I could ever think about Kath and Lisa, but mostly Lisa. Being the oldest right now is making me feel like have so many responsibility, especially when my parents are changed and now in the police office.

"Dani loves this drink so much." Amy said and I smiled to her. "Put it in the basket then." And then my phone is ringing, "One second, grab anything you like, Ames."

I picked it up without seeing the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Chris?" I heard Kath's voice cracked. I take few steps, so Amy couldn't hear us. The way my three youngest sisters heard a news about Lisawas not in a good way, and now I can't put more pressure on their shoulder. "Kath? What is it? Did something bad happened? Is Lisa okay?"

She take a deep breath before answering. "Yes, she's asleep now and I am about to talk with the doctor." I could heard her voice is getting husky. The effect of crying a lot. I sigh in relief. At least I  got a good news. "Where are you?" she asked.

"We're in our way to Malibu."

"Are they with you? Amy, Lauren, and Dani?"

"Yes, they're with me. Kath, I think we will arrived at midnight."

"It's okay, call me when you already in the parking lot. And Chris, I have to go, the doctor is here." She said. "Okay, tell me everything later okay?"

"Okay, drive safely! I love you." I said I love you too and then she hung up the phone. Amy is looking at me when I finally put my phone back in my pocket. "Are you done?" I asked. She nod and smile. "Okay then, let's find Sugar and Spice!"

We walk to the snack hallway. "It was Kath, right? On the phone earlier?" Amy suddenly said. I look at her. why would I lie to her? "Yes it was."

"I really want to talk to her, why didn't you tell me?" she asked with the usual tones. Not like sarcasm or upset. "Kath is not fine, and I think it wasn't the perfect time to both of you to have a conversation. And I don't want to put on any pressure onto your shoulder, Ames. The news about Lisa is enough to three of you to handle. You don't need any bad news. And I won't give it to you right now. You will know everything later."

"Okay, Chrissy. I understand." She said and throw a smile at me. I embraced her and pull her closer while we are walking. "Thankyou tho, we thought you will not accepting us." She said.

"What?! I must be crazy if I do that, I love my sisters, and of course will accepting all of you. Don't you dare to said that again!" Amy is chuckled when I said that. I am a bit upset for hearing that to be honest. "Chill Christina." She said and then laughing.

"That is not funny at all."

guuuuuuuyss hello

THANKYOU FOR 2K READERS OKAY!!!!! wow i cant believe i reached 2k:(( ilysm!!!!

thankyou so much

and for your comments in this stories, are means so much to me!! thankyou gosh...





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