twenty two

875 26 6

Lisa's POV


Lisa help me!

Lisa please, I need you.


I woke up. with sweats all over my body. I guess I don't screaming, because I can see Chris and Kath is still sleeping. I feel tears in my eyes. my heart beat fast. Hearing my Lady bug like that is make me so angry, sad and guilty. I shouldn't have leave her. I always had a bad dream with my family in it, but mostly Lauren. We're so close. Back in the days when we shared the room, we will cuddle. Sometimes it will be the three of us. Me, Dani and Lauren. But everytime Lauren had a bad dream or couldn't sleep, she will sneak on to my bunk bed. We will cuddle until she fell asleep in my arm.

I grab my phone with the earphone, and then get out of the bed. I cant stay here and doing something that will waking up my older sisters, so I decided to walk downstairs. Well actually I will going to the beach. It's not that far from here, and I need a walk. So... yea, I'll do that. I walk pass the restaurant and see few people there. Wow looks like im not the only one with sleeping problem. I ignored everyone, even the nice worker who open the door for me, because im not in the mood to smile to people. Why would I fake a smile to someone that I don't even know?! Pointless.

I press the play button, and then I heard the song. It's our song. Wings. I remember that day when we were so excited about that song. It's about our sisterhood and about our amazing fans called cimfam too. I sing along the street. Not so loud by the way. I pressed the repeat this song button. I walk and walk and walk while listen to our old song without I even realize that I have arrived at the beach.

I can see few people on the sand. Theres a couple, some teenagers and others. I choose to sit on a big rock. It wasn't just a big rock. It was my and Lauren's rock. We came here and sit almost every day. Whether to see the sunrise or the sunset. You can see the sunset and sunrise perfectly from above this rock. I never got bored to sit on this rock.

Our parents and Christina, Kath and Michael—our oldest brother—will giving us a lecture whenever we appeared in the dining room at 8am for breakfast, coming from the front door. Lauren and I used to be waking up at 4 or 5 and then take a walk together to the beach, to watch the sunrise. We always amazed by it's colour. We just shared stories, thoughts, and everything while watching the sunrise. I felt my heart hurt again when I remember those days. This guilty feels will never leave me until I found her. my Ladybug. Until I found my fetus. Until I found my messy little hog.

Wait for me, I will find you. I promise you before, and I will doing it. I will come back for you.

Chris's POV

Great. Lisa is not in her bed. That lady! Ugh I haven't met her in two years, but it feels like yesterday that I gave her a lecture about how dangerous it is to going for a walk in the dark. This habit is always makes me a lil bit upset. I worried about her safety. I grab my phone fastly while Kath is in the bathroom. And when I'm about to call Lisa, I saw that Daisy called me three times. What happened? I will call her back later. Now I need to call Lisa.

After a minute, she picked up. "Lise, where the heck are you?"

"I'm at the beach."

"How long were you on there?" I'm trying to calm myself.

"About three or five hours I think."

Oh my gosh. Now is almost 8. "Lise, you cant go walk in the dark. How many times do I have to tell you? I got worried."

I heard a sigh from her. "I'm sorry Christina, it was just I feel calm here. I miss Lauren so bad, so I want to come and sit on this rock. We used to watch the sunrise together. We have stories on this rock. I just want to see her again." Now she's crying. Great Christina. What a great way to ask her back to the hotel.

"Lisa, listen. We all miss them and worried about them. and in few hours we will have a clue about them okay? Get back here and talk to me. Come on Lise, we don't have much time. We have to get breakfast and then going to the school. Come on. You can talk to me in here."

After a few sobs, Lisa said okay and then hang up the phone. Ten minutes later, Lisa come in the room with dry tears on her face. This is really the rough times for us all. I hug her when she steps on to me. "Calm down okay, we will find them." she nod and then walk towards her suitcase without saying anything. I am more worried now. Because Lisa used to have a mute mode, where she won't talk to anyone. Oh my gosh.

I pushed away that mind, and then get changed. After we all ready, we get downstairs to have breakfast. Nick is already there. He get us a table. I kissed him when I have arrived at the table. "Hey, how's it going?" he asked. I tell him the plan. And he agreed.

Good. Everything is set. We will go to that school and find anything about my sisters. After half an hour, we went to the parking lot. Nick and I go with Nick's car. Lisa and Kath go with Lisa's car. We're ready.

Nick and I lead the way. I don't know exactly where the school is, so I used the gps. Its not that far tho. Just a ten minutes ride with car. When we arrived, theres only a bunch of students doing gym on the field. I grab Nick's hand when we took a step in to the corridor. Theres only few kids and maybe teacher who pass by us. They stare at us with a strange look. I don't care. All I care is the information room. Right after I found it, we entered the room.

"Can I help you, Sir?" the young woman ask Nick. "Uh yes, we want to meet the principal."

"Just a minute." She call someone who I believe that it was the principal. "She's ready to meet you in her office. Just walk straight, and then you will found a stair on your right, the you will see the door with 'principal office' sign on it."

"Thank you." We walk out of the room. Lisa and Kath lead the way. They seems calmed tho, although I know there must be a lot of things in their mind, but they don't say a word. And back to present, we have arrived on the principal office. Lisa knocked the door, and then the principal told us to come in.

Jessica Albert that's the name on the desk. She's the principal. Shes not that old tho, maybe a few years older than me. She ask us to sit down. Me and Kath sit on the two main chairs while Lisa and Nick have to grab the chair near them. "So what can I help you?"

"We are the sisters of Danielle and Lauren Cimorellis." Kath begin to explain. "We haven't see them in two years, and some friend told us that they're going to this school. Can you tell us how were they doing in school?

Jessi smiled to us. "They are great. Danielle is a freshman, and she did a great job on her study. And Lauren, she's so smart. Well they're both smart. I offered Danielle to do a math Olympic but she said no. too bad, she was so great in math."

We smile hearing that. My baby sisters are smart and definitely did a great job in school. I am proud. "Are they in school?" Nick ask. We all look at him. I mean, we all know that they're not in the school. But i understand, he trying to ask the principal about the security cameras.

Jessi looks uncomfortable with that question, I guess. Because she looks concerned and the expression of her face showed it all. Oh I'm glad I have read those psychology books. "Well, uh-they're not here."

"What do you mean by they're not here?" Lisa ask with the most straight tone I ever heard.

Jessi clear her throats. "Well, a few days ago..."

i already said everything on the last chapt. because i havent published a chapt yesterday, so today you have TWO!!!

yes, your welcome.

oh and 'messy lil hog' is Amy. i heard lisa mentioned it on the podcast hahaha.

good night kids. i have to sleep.


AND COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

byeeee duckies

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