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Lisa's POV

We're in our neighbour house.

When we were a happy big family, we always have a bbq party every month and we will invited our neighbours. We, cimorelli sisters are friends with Claire, our neighbour. Claire is in the same age with Lauren. I don't know what happened in two years, but looks like they're not friends anymore. I am pretty close with her by the way. She always comes to me about nails and makeup things. Claire hug me and Kath when she saw us infront of her door. And she told us to come in. So we're in her living room right now.

"So what is it about?" She said after put three glass of water on the table. "Uh, we want to ask you about our parents house." I said.

She sighed. "I don't know where to start."

"Right after I left, what happened?" I said, and she nod. She take a deep breath, and begin to talk.

"Okay after you left. Hm let me think about it for a second."She said and we stay in silent for like five minutes. "I will tell you everything, but first, don't you ever judge me about my decision."

"And dont cut me off. I hate when people do that."

Kath and I nod. "Wait, may I recording everything you about to say?" Kath said, and then put her phone on the table with the recording on when Claire approving her to do that.

"Okay so when Lisa left, Lauren comes to me. She told me everything, and she cried. She was broken. I can see that, even if she said that she wasn't broken. But I know she was broken. Dani is not going well either, she still come to me sometimes. I don't know about Amy because she always inside the house. Lauren always come every night, but something is not okay when she comes to me that night. I saw a fresh bruise on her neck. I did ask her about it, but she said it was because she fell. I don't believe that, because I know Lauren. She was my bestfriend."

I still listening and I gasp when Claire said there was a bruise on Lauren's neck. Oh my gosh, my ladybug did get hurt.

"And then she tells me that she and Dani are going to the same school as I am. I was so excited, and I already imagine what school would be if Lauren, my bestfriend, is there too. In school she's doing great. But the thing that makes me concerned is everyday she have a new scar. Her arms, legs, even sometimes face. Nobody saw it, but i saw that. her scars. When I asked her, she always used the reason fell off, her doing something careless, or she just ignored me and change the topic. Those times I still understand that she doesn't want to talk about it, even if it just to me, her bestfriend. And then one night, she fainted in my room, when we hanging out doing some homework together. I shocked and then run to your house, called your mom to come by. I don't want to say this to you, but she slapped Lauren. You mom slapped a fainted Lauren. I wish I am telling you lies, but no. I am not lying to you. After several slapped and calling her names, Lauren woke up and then dragged to her house by her own mom. I cant do anything. I just stood in the corner, I don't know what to do because I am too shocked and scared. My parents were gone to a restaurant, so they weren't home."

I am crying. My precious baby sister....

"After that, Lauren is hate me. We don't hang out anymore, and literally she pushed everyone off. She became her old self again. The introvert who wants to do everything by herself. Dani don't talk to me either. I tried totalk to them, but they're just ignored me. So I gave up. if she doesn't want me in her life, then I will pulling myself out. But I never really hate her. I always watching her sat when lunch, and there must be a new bruise on her body. Same as Dani. I noticed everything. I don't want to say this, but I think it was because your parents. And you guys left, is makes everything worse. I'm just saying, and its okay if you want to be mad at me because literally I am accusing your parents."

I still crying. And then look at Kath. She is crying either. I hug her. "Kath, what are we doing? I am a bad sister."

My heart beat fast when I imagining my mom slapped and dragged Lauren to the house. I felt anger start to building up in me. I cant take it anymore. I know they're my parents, but this has crossed the line! I am so angry until i felt my anger controlled my body. I dont know what happened, but mom can't just slapped my baby sister and dragged her home. We don't hit family. Thats what always my parents said to us when we, cimorelli siblings, having a fight. But now she slapped Lauren? oh my gosh. I cant stand it anymore. I pull my self out, break the hug, and then walking towards the door.

I am going to throw a fist on my parents face.

OKAY THIS IS SOOOOO SHORT, but i have you a longer chapt yesterday, so accepted it people! and here is why i said they get clues. Lisa and Kath have heard from Claire, and see what is Christina reaction to it:)))))

oh my gosh and i love it when u get upset because of the ending ahahhahahahh

i love making people upset and wonder!

that is my hobby, dont judge me! u cant stop me:)

see ya tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love youuuuu


UPDATE: my brother come home today, and guess what?! THERE WAS A RAT IN HIS BAG, I AM DYING FOR LAUGHING HAHAHA, HE JUMPED WHEN HE SAW THE RAT IN HIS BAG. oh my gosh it was soo funny😂😂😂oh and here it iss, i have a good day, and i already wrote it yesterday, so i published this early, ENJOY!!!!!

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