The Phone Call

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Chapter 13

*Kellin's POV*
I slept over Vic's place because we were talking and well, we kinda knocked out. But now I'm on my way back home. I was halfway home when I got a phone call. It was an unknown number.

~ring ding ling~

Kellin: Hello?

Unknown: Is this Kellin Quinn?

K: Depends, who wants to know?

U: This is Scarlett's doctor and I have some news to tell u and her mother.

At that moment, I nearly felt my heart sink to the bottom of my chest. I couldn't think straight.

K: Oh, I'm sorry doctor. I just didn't expect to get an unknown number from the doctor.

U: Yes my apologies Mr. Quinn. I use this number for professional reasons. Now I want to see you and Mrs. Gomez at the office next Friday. Now I must go, goodbye.

K: Wait Dr.-

But it was too late. He had just hung up and left me hanging. So now I HAVE to tell Carmon about the whole doctor appointment. Just great, just what I needed.

So I got to my house and went inside to find Carmon on the couch watching Gossip Girl.

Okay Kellin, you can do it. Just tell her that her daughter fainted, almost died but came back to life. I thought to myself.

Oh boy, I'm gonna die.

(A/N) IM SOOOOO SORRY EVERYONE!! I'm really bad at this and this is really short. I can't make a promise that I will more often but I will write alot more... Just things come up and I get in trouble (lol) but imma write for sure tomorrow... So yea I'm sorry again but you know, things happen. So tell a friend, comment and vote... Thanks for everyone who red and is reading my book. Peace ✌

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