Chapter 8

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I had already walked for a quite long time, the sun was going down and the wind got stronger. I looked up and noticed being in a forest. The trees and everything around were unfamiliar to me. A weird peace and calmness swept over me. The quiet surrounding made me calm down. With a bit of tired limbs I sat down. My eyes began to feel heavy and in the end they closed. I was woken up from shaking after a few hours, it was already dark and the cold made me freeze.
"There you are Chen Rugong, I looked for you at home but heard you had left. I He Yuguo can't leave my soon to be student alone by himself."

I was baffled and looked at him with a look of surprise and had a slight smile on my lips.

"If I am your student, let me call you teacher. I would be honored and my own family already hindered me for a long time so why not go with fate."

Just like this I left behind my life as a member of my household and went towards my future in the Dark Souls Sect."

"That much to my past dear student."

All his life as far as I heard about it, too hard to bear. His own parents made him a cripple just to prevent him from leaving their side. My mind went blank. Similarities could be found between our two lives. Hardships were our long termed friends. Deep in thoughts I walked through what seemed to be the front portal. Inside I was welcomed by a clean and neat big hall. Everywhere were small desks and pots with pills spreading the scent of medicine and ink pots including ink stones. The scrolls were piled up neatly in the corner of the room on a row of small desks and cupboards. All kind of skills were sorted into categories. In just a second I fell in love with the room. A hand was placed on my right shoulder.

"This place is in your care from now on. I will bring you clothes and food. You will see your room after you have eaten yourself full, you look hungry."

With a single movement of his right hand, a plate flew onto the desk I sat at. It was filled with steamed buns and cucber salad and vagetables in sauce. The chopsticks followed directly after it. With big eyes I looked at him with respect and the feeling of being satisfied. This powerful person, who was willing to teach me, I would be his student. I swore myself to make him proud. With this thought in mind I began to eat.

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