Chapter 13

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After breakfast, witha few cups of tea, I felt full and yawned happily while strechting my arms a bit.

"So what is the next thing to do today teacher?"-"I thought about teaching you a simple cultivation skill that can help you get stronger in cultivation."-"Oh, eh, wow, already? Shouldn't I show you what I can do until now?"-"I am familiar with your skill don't worry dear. Now it is time to help you get stronger."-"Thank you teacher!"

I bowed towards my teacher and saw a proud smile on his face.

"Such a well-behaved girl with flawless manners. How can you be treated badly and rude. A soft-hearted and friendly girl helpful and always offering help and accepting help. I admire you. My personality was always the opposite and I never behaved well. You are much better than me."

The pride he had for having me, a weak cultivator as a student was so big. My admiration for him rose to heaven-like from earth-like. My eyes began to shine like diamonds and a slight smile arose on my lips. The feeling of being cared for was unbelievably beautiful and making me feel like a human-being after years of abandonment.

"I-I don't know what to say. I am so relieved and happy about it. There don't exist enough words to describe my feelings. How can I ever pay all this debt back? I am disgraceful student not being able to repay you."-"No need to, I spent too many years only taking instead of giving, now it is my turn to repay the favor."

With a respectful bow he thanked me. I felt graced, what had happened? NMy teacher BOWED to me, normally I was in his place to bow but he did. Was there ever a teacher who would do that? My respect got richer and life lighted up bit by bit.

"Okay dear student, let me demonstrate it for you and then remember the scroll please. Look at how I do it and try to copy the movement while learning it. Put your left foot in the front and your right foot behind your bottom. Then breath in deeply and out slowly while moving your left arm straight with a flexed palm away from you."

I copied the movement in miniature when he demonstrated it. At the end I heard a snap and saw qi exploxing in a small ball of blue energy. My eyes widened in awe.

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