Chapter 18

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A day what should change my life was a few months after I moved into the guild base and had arranged all I needed to, organizing my life, my emotions, my relations. In these months I thought back and wished multiple times to turn back the wheels of time. Fate made me walk this path, I was held back from walking forward the path, dark, strange surrounding, fog, few meters you can see. It didn't welcome me, pulled me with its force to make me fear. Paranoid and scared I walk with small steps, one after the other, testing out how much I could go out without falling, tripping, getting killed or paralyzed.

I walked along the dusty road to the village to buy a few vegetables for dinner with a basket hanging on my right arm. Without much of worry I moved closer to a corpse, a second later I couldn't hold back a loud and high-pitched scream. The man seemed to have been a farmer. I saw a toy in his left hand, a hay doll, maybe for his child he would never see again. Taking a closer look at how the wounds looked like I could only get pale. The maiden curse came to my mind. The face was scratched, the limbs were twisted and broken. Only from the hay hat and the rough cloth textil I could make out his social status. Hurrying my steps I rushed into the village, sprinting all of the dusty road and tripping two or three times over tree roots. My knees were bloody and the skin torn, my face red and sweaty. All I could feel was that I was out of breath. I quiet down and went deeper into the village after passing through the gate. The guards were disfigured as well in the same way as the farmer. Fear arose like an hurricane. The curse was stronger than ever before, nwo even a whole village, not only one mankind no many victims and dead.

With shaky legs I sneaked through the small streets. As soon as I saw a girl in a red robe I hid myself. Ih a hurry I hit something. With the use of Qinjuan Powder I made myseld invisible. The girl I saw went into my direction, then she stared directly at me pointing at me. Instead of killing me, she repeated the words "He calls for us, come maiden follow me". I didn't understand a single thing anymore. Stiil confused I felt a touch at my shoulders and looked at my back. Breathing out I let out a nearly inaudible scream. Light pitch changes were audible. I got pushed towards a pool of blood by the girls. One had her black hair tied up in a simple knot, the other had her hair open and well-combed hair going to the beginning of her lower body. By ghost hands, no matter how hard I tried to stop them, I was pushed forward without a chance to get free. I got closer and closer to the pool of blood. Suddenly a starnge lightning appeared and a voice said something. I could make out small bits of what I heard. All I heard was "Well done, my maidens, now give her the cleansing and let her power awaken. Our god-daughter needs to get strong and don't dare make a mistake. You know the punishment well enough.". My eyes were shaking and wide open.

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