Chapter 9

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I had finished eating and wondered if he would directly show me around when I was interrupted in my thoughts.
"Dear student, let me show you your room. I will bring you clothes you can change into then. The outfit of the Dark Souls Sect will always remain and I think u will like it. Then let me lead you. Follow me please."
With a respectful gesture of obedience I followed a few steps behind along a corner. It felt like the corner was endless, my legs told me "You walked far enough today". I still followed behind even if my legs felt numb and like they were beginning to swell. After maybe 10 minutes, I arrived in front of an old door leading into a big and warm room. The dust didn't seem to have a chance to lay down onto objects. I got a picture shown of how my teacher should be neat and tidy with the areas which could get useful for further use or offering a place to stay.
"Teacher, I know it might sound weird, but I like it a lot. The warm and a bit of stuffed scrolls and paintings in small boxes. Everything. The bed also looks good."
I went closer to it and saw a saying cut into the cedar wood. I could define "(...)you will remain (...)in memories like a feather in a nest remaining everywhere forever". My fingers slowly followed the lines engraved into the wood. A smile spread onto my face and my heart got warm for the first time in life, I felt truelly valued.
"Teacher, do you mean this room is for me?"-"Yes. This room is all yours. You can check if these scrolls are of use for you. I hope you feel welcomed. I will bring you your clothes now with our badge."

In a trance I looked around me. The small table with porcelain cups and a tea pot on a cedar wood tray made me think back to my childhood. I was 3 and running around in our garden, trying to catch up to our family dog. In a moment of being careless, I tripped over a stone. A young boy, a servant, caught me mid-air. My cheeks changed to a constant colour of light blusher and my eyes wandered while I tried to explain myself.

"I-I, tell me did you see Xiandi? She went crazy again and ran away, so I chased after her. Then, while I looked after her disappearing I tripped. Thank you for not letting me fall. I-I need t-to go. I hope Xiandi isn't having too much of an advantage again."

The memory made me blush, just at that moment, my teacher, Chen Rugong appeared out of the blue in the frame of my room's door.

"Is there someone thinking about the beloved one?"

His playful tone and wink with the right eye made his intentions clear. He wanted to know more about the memory I had recalled not long ago.

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