Chapter 35

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To be honest, I always fought myself concerning the fear of losing and dying. However, now I was in deep shit, really big trouble. Her father was sneaking around again and again in the yard. Instead of going to his room like announced in a haste and with deadly rage, he stayed here and kept walking from side to side in front of the altar room again and again.

Damn, why does he even need to cause me trouble now? I was already feeling like I was close to having a heart attack and my pulse raced like crazy. Did he want me to have a heart attack here? Just move to your fucking room you monstrous bastard!

I cursed him hard in my mind. The sweat I had shed must have been sensed from meters away after only 5 minutes. Why didn't I stop sweating at all?! AH! This situation frustrates me far too much and gets on my sensitive nerves! I decided to go for attacking the father of the maid when he finally left the yard and it felt like I had sat there with legs close to my upper body forever. I stretched my legs and couldn't prevent a small scream. My whole muscles ached like crazy and I felt like my legs were burning. My whole body felt like it was burning from inside out. Gosh, every single movement was so painful! A tear flew down my tear and I let out a quiet sobbing sound.

While I continued trying to get up, an old lady helped me up softly.

"Oh dear. No no no. Don't move! I will help you! Yeah, stretch your right leg out carefully. That's the way to go. Now the other leg. Wait, I am going to massage your right leg a bit to soften the stiff muscles."

As she massaged my legs, my pain lessened and the cramps disappeared. Furthermore, I stopped crying. With care, the lady wiped my tears away with a silken tissue.

"Your cheeks are irritated. You better come with me to cool your skin. let me apply a soothing balm on them I made myself. Just to tell you, you are in the best hands. I am the doctor of this household. Your trust is my achievement."

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