Chapter 51

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The excitement I felt upon walking to my chamber for one last time seemed faint but still like a mysterious power keeping me striving.

I took off my robe and laid into bed with my pretty undergarment. It would sadly would not stay as clean and complete as it was for sure. I sighed and tried to close my eyes. Something bothered my mind, what it was I don't know but it felt like an urge. I sat up and looked around my room. It was like always but felt somehow very different in this moment. I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my boots, that I had taken off out of pure habit. Even in my early years I avoided getting my room dirty as it  could have ended without this precaution.

"Where is this girl from a bit ago?", I heard from our courtyard and jumped onto my feet. My insticts were sharpened by ten times.

"She must be here somewhere! Damn it, I was ordered to inform her about the ongoing crisis."

I lurked out into the courtyard and noticed the boy that I had met before. He rushed around outside from side to side in a nervous manner.

"Well, if I find it interesting, I may listen", I answered.

He turned around out of shock and finally noticed me. "Geez, why do you need to scare me like that? Is that a payback for last time when I scared you?"
He was in a bad mood right away.

"Well. Maybe yes. So what is all this about? I was about to leave tomorrow so you are lucky to still see me being here", I said feigning annoyance.

"You should see it as an important matter so yes, shall I start or do you want to be more hypocrytical?"

"Hmm, let me think... Ah yes please. I need to catch some sleep before my travel."

"All right. So to say it in short, all guild masters were ordered to help with a strong demonic force. Yours especially if one regards his past and the skill set of his guild."

I simply rolled my eyes, not this good and bad stuff again, ah how tired I was of it.

"So what? I don't think that is of your concern, mister curious. Give me more details, hurry!"

"Ok, so many were injured in Changmo. Also your master." Then silence for a few minutes.

"And? More info or what now? Is he dead, heavenly injured. Tell me NOW!" I was starting to be fuming of rage. Anger was filling my eyes and I stared this guy down.

"E-e-e-eh. Please don't give me that look as if you are about to eat me up", he said in fear while making the distance between us bigger. "So, ummm. Good is he is still alive and everyone can still use their qi as their acupuncture points are fully functioning. There is just the rumor that you might be able to help. Your mother came to some elders and told them you had a weird birthmark since birth..."

"Ah this b*tch finally called the hound on me, wow it did take her quiet a while. She hated me deep to the bone and still does it seems.", I blew a loose strand of hair out of my face. "She was never nice to me and laughed at me for getting kicked out. Keep me out of this please. I don't feel like I could face her without ruining her face completely from rage."


"Stop, bother me more tomorrow, I am going to sleep. Do whatever you want, sleep on the cold floor, leave, whatever. As long as I don't need to see your annoying face I don't care."
I flipped my hair and  turned around. I closed and locked my chamber doors whilst he went after me and then banged against the doors like a mad man. I however went to my bed relaxed and sat down yawning. I took off my boots, threw them next to my bed and laid down covering myself with the blanket.

"Good night sucker!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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