Chapter 28

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I spent hours in the forbidden area of the library, in total around 10 hours. With caution, I always took care of my teacher not noticing it. However, the words this creepy maiden had said, I couldn't forget them. It was like she burned them into my mind like scraping something on the junk of a tree, making it visible forever.

Out of curiosity, I hurried with cooking dinner, which was simplified this evening, a soup, a bit of rice, some vegetables and plain broth. My teacher looked at me with a confused expression in his eyes. With worry in his voice, he asked if I was okay. As to the reason to not scare him I just agreed with a big smile saying I was fine.

"I am okay teacher, you worry too much. I am tired from studying the scrolls, nothing else. I mean it, I am tired, there is nothing else to worry about. Oh, and my research is progressing well."

I told him in an acted way, how awesome it felt, to achieve progress and new knowledge through the research. I myself hid the truth though. Since this one day, I was someone else, not his student, a monster. I didn't dare to tell him, show him in whatever way. My thirst, I would control it by taking a walk in the evenings and I would wash up at the lake on the way back. All this covering up for one thing. Some might think it is treated far too cautious.

I knew the opinion my teacher had towards the maidens and this blood-sucking curse, it made me a monster, heartless in his eyes if I would tell him the truth. In conclusion, I kept my mouth shut to not get hated and become someone disgusting and monstrous in my teacher's eyes.

The dinner passed by without much of talk else than the question and my answer. We both ate silently. The only thing being heard was the sound of chewing and the creaking of the chopsticks on the bowls and plates. A silence, too quiet to bear. It tormented me, literally. The wish to open up about my worries, it awakened in the silence. My heart was aching as if thousands of knives were getting pushed deeper and deeper into it and cutting into the inner of it.

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