Chapter 41

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Through the thoughts about the maidens' family, I remembered mine.
After the death of my birth mother, life went downwards for me. My own father lowered my status to a minimum of who I originally was. From a noble lady down to a servant, nearly a prostitute.

I remember how my father scolded me for existing, saying I was the cause for my mothers' death. My reaction was fear and sadness, I rushed out of the room and sat down in the garden, next to the small lake. I watched the red and small fishes while tears were flowing down my cheeks. My own father simply betrayed me and left me. However, I tried to think positive. I at least learned who was a foe and not loyal. As long as I was protected by my mother, he didn't have a chance to get close to me or to attack me. I was yearning for a hug and a soft whisper: "It is completely fine my daughter. He won't even dare to get close to you when I am with you. I don't know for how long I can protect you though. My sickness is taking over and I get weaker and weaker. Poison is slowly crawling through my veins. I lost my Qi, but gave birth to my beautiful child."

After saying this, she would hug me tightly on her lap and kiss me on my right cheek. She would smoothen my robe and give me a pendant of jade.

Remembering these past events, I stared at the sky. Then I slowed down my pace. I stepped onto a wooden stick and shrugged together. I looked towards my teachers' mansion and was in a big shock. The door was wide open. I sneaked to the entrance and saw a clean hall. I was surprised and stood there frozen on the spot.

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