Chapter 38

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To lessen the problems for the old lady I offered to sleep in the forest.

"As your master could cause you a lot of trouble, what if I slept outside of the mansion tonight?"-"Under no circumstances! You deserve a good bed with a soft blanket. Don't catch a cold. Your immune system is already weakened. I would fear to make you sicker than you are after all this. Let me brew you some medicine against cold and fever. Just in case your body temperature rises."

After all the kindness, the old lady even ordered me to sleep in her bed. She only pulled open a small shelve door and took a set of blanket, and pillow. To be honest, all seemed pretty thin and uncomfortable. The old woman noticed my troubled and worrisome look in my eyes though.

"Dear, don't bother with me. I will sleep in the extra bed. One night with this uncomfortable furniture won't kill me. Stop worrying and try to rest a bit. I am going to brew you some medicine."

While sharing those words with me, the old woman walked to the small table with a small fireplace and a metal pot. She heated some water and added the herbs after pulverizing the dried herb leaves. I observed her actions closely and soon got tired. My eyelids felt heavy. Without me noticing, I fell asleep. One hour later I was woken up by a tap on my shoulder.

"Here is your medicine. Sleep more after drinking it. Oh, I forgot, the medicine might taste a little bit bitter, so to warn you."

I simply grabbed the bowl and drank the medicine under her watch empty. Damn, she was right. The bitterness killed my senses! I shivered slightly from the strong taste. In silence, I followed her instruction and closed my eyes trying to sleep some more. Eight hours passed by in a blink.

I woke up to the sounds of busy servants rushing around in the garden. The old woman smiled at me when I looked up to the small table.

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