Chapter 27

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As soon as my teacher and I had finished breakfast, I excused myself by telling him that I would study some martial arts scrolls in the library. The truth was I wanted to know more about those cursed maidens, doomed to live forever, craving for blood and killing mercilessly.

I left the Grand Hall and walked towards the library slowly thinking about where to start. The history and changes would be interesting, on the other hand, the power they possessed was also something I needed to find out more about.

Arriving in the library after passing my room and through the garden with the small lake, I turned to the right and walked to the area of dark and forbidden magic. With my fingertip, I moved over all the wooden scrolls. At the black wood scroll, my fingertip stopped and I carefully pulled it out stabilizing the other scrolls lying beneath and over it. I opened the scroll after looking around me and making sure my teacher wouldn't find out about me researching forbidden magic.

The scroll about the cursed maidens, few knew it existed.

Out of the reason that their power and influence and the knowledge about their existence, it brought a great risk, knowing a lot, an even more dangerous life. I don't know why, however, what I set for myself as a goal is to find out the basic. I wanted to find out how and why all these horrible revengeful and angry spirits couldn't rest.

With this thought in mind, I walked to a small wooden table and sat down, then I put the scroll onto the table. I opened the scroll with care and caution, not really knowledge in case if something like a maiden would appear. Well, my luck was not on my side. I wanted to breath out calmly when a maiden appeared. In a fast manner, I saw her coming towards me and putting a ring into my left hand which laid on the table in an open state with the back of my hand facing the table. In an instant, she disappeared. my heart was racing and I looked around me worried and really scared. In my opinion, I nearly had a heart attack. Sweat appeared on my forehead and I checked the surrounding once more. As I didn't see or sense anybody else here anymore, I tried to calm my heart.

"It is okay, she only gave you an item. You can take a closer look and conclude speculations. Everything is fine, please heart calm down, pulse slow down for god's sake!!!"

I hit my head with a hand and shook my head a bit. I opened my eyes and saw the library very detailed and the surrounding sharp, even the dust. It must have been my imagination though. That is what I told myself to reassure my heart and conscience. The words the maiden had said quietly seemed to be stuck in my mind sadly.

"You will guide us, we will guide you. The world is dark, so much bad and evil. Let us extinguish it together sister. You, me, the other sisters. Come to the mountain you heard a lot about, XIng Changzhou by midnight tomorrow and everything you have questions for will be explained. You will hear all the answers to the "Why?" and "How is this possible?", I promise."

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