Chapter 24

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Still a little bit in shock, I stood up and went towards the library. I tried to calm my breath down without success. I had hectic breathing and only it felt like one of my lungs was able to take in the oxygen.

The longer I tried to breathe calmly, the worse the problem became. I closed my eyes while I let out a heavy sigh. I stretched a bit and soon I felt a bit better. However, there was another change in my body concerning me. I felt a strange thirst. Lead by the thirst I followed the scent I could sense to the area behind the grand house. To my horror, I found many dead small animals there. The corpses were empty of blood and not a single drop seemed to remain in their veins.

In terror, I stared at the dead animals. Suddenly I sensed a small animal running in a bush a few steps away. Without realizing and with not existent speed I stood at the spot. I grabbed the animal, a little rabbit unconsciously like in a trance. My mind told me to bite its neck and I did. The thirst became unbearable and I drank the blood emotionless and without mercy till no drop of blood remained.

As soon as I realized what I had done, the corpse of the rabbit dropped to the ground in front of my feet. In deep shock, I ran to the small lake behind the small wild forest area. The water reflected the image of a person thirsting for death, for blood, for murder, for killing.

I felt disgusted about myself being like this. Out of frustration tears flew down on my cheeks in a very constant flow like a waterfall, having the waterfall without a single and unpleasant disturbance of the flow. The glow amazes humans and cultivators, makes us feel the fear of what nature is able to do with its power adding the killing of every existing creature on earth. No matter if water or land, forest or city, origin, and language. We all were weak compared to the power emitting from the earth, controlling the humans to every single extent.

The disbelief and sorrow, fear of myself as a living creature, fear of what peak my powers might reach. What if I could destroy as I wished, stopped by none of these now powerful cultivators, calling u a cripple.

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