Chapter 11

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The first evening I had in the guild quarters was very calming. I already felt better and accepted than I ever did before. My smile when I woke up wouldn't fade for quite a few minutes.

"Ah. I slept so good and the bed is so comfortable."

I put away my blanket and stood up slowly, looking at the whole room from my bed. Every inch was kinda chaotic, but I didn't mind. My clothes were hanging on the wooden construct. The robe in dark wine red and the black kilt looked magnificent. The tunic underneath was stitched in an extraordinary pattern. Roses and thorns were meeting and fading from the top to the bottom of the shirt. The name for this clothes combination is Sheni. The skirt over it, was decorated with the pattern of the stone, my teacher had on the ring he wore on his right hand. With caution, I walked towards the guild's traditional clothes and my fingertip went over the textiles. The wool and the seam were perfectly attached. Not a single mistake in the sewing coule be found.

"Wow, from today on I will wear that? I just don't know what to say. I feel proud a bit and also terrified of the responsibility I bear on my shoulders now. Wait why are you getting nervous? Calm down and dress yourself, you can think further later."

As I was experienced in wearing Sheni I had no problem in getting into it. My own maid, who stayed loyal to me until she died from a cold, she would have had struggles dressing. Her soul was pure and innocent, her mind strong and unshakable. My father had offered her to serve a different family member.

"Liu Lou, are you sure you don't want to serve someone else? I know you are familiar with my daughter since childhood, still, she changed a lot and I fear that you will get hurt some day."-"Then it will be like that, but I will stay loyal to my original master. Even if I get hurt I made a promise to serve her for my whole lifetime since I met her as a small child. No money and no offer will be able to change my mind, I am sure and will stick with this opinion."

The suffering she had throughout her cold, I tried to make it less. Make everything more bearable. Liu Lou was aching continuously all over her body. No matter how she tried to push me away I stayed by her side.

"Come on stop that, let me help you drink the medicine Liu Lou!"-"My Lady I am just a maid. Nothing more."-"What do you mean by just? You mean more to me. You are a friend and the only loyal person in this household. The backbiting makes me sick and you are the one causing me to keep calm and a straight face."-"M-My l-lad-dy. What else is the deed a maid has. Their principle is to follow their master around everywhere  and every time and to support and protect them."

That day she was breathing her last breath, while I held her hand. The medicine I had brewed helped mild her pain a bit for a few weeks. My heart hurt so badly as her pale face became stiff and tears rolled down my cheeks. The only support I've had until now was dead. I felt cursed and like I was a calamity.

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