Chapter 30

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After my teacher had prepared the hot water, I entered the tub slowly. When I sat inside, my teacher grabbed a bowl with rose petals and dropped them onto the water. In awe, I looked at my teacher with big eyes. Surprised by my facial expression, my teacher couldn't hold back a burst of laughter.

"Dear, your expression makes me laugh. Did you think I am simple-minded and don't have a few tricks? I learned these kinds of tricks when I stalked girls of my sect."

What I had heard from him, it completely surprised. It all changed my view of him. Not only was he strong, but also mischievous, interesting, charismatic and patient. These character traits, I didn't detect them at all under his well-kept clam and cold face.

With a bit of a heavy heart I stood up out of the water and wrapped a thin dressing gown, which my teacher gave me, around myself. He would not know what I would happen to experience tonight. To cover up my deep sadness about hiding it from my teacher I smiled whole-heartedly. I gave my teacher a tight hug and went towards my bed to dress. I dried my hair in a rush and laid down in my bed. To make it even more realistic that I would go to bed, I pulled the blanket over my chin and acted cutely. The reaction my teacher showed was priceless. Without realizing he walked over to me and stroked through my dry hair.

When my teacher had left for maybe two hours, I rushed out of bed and hurried to the closed door. I opened it without causing any noise and looked at the sky. The moon was already rising and rising to its peak. Concluding from this observation I turned towards my bed and pulled out a small knife I found on this CERTAIN day on the road. With care, I put it into my sleeping robe and was sure to make use of the knife if a situation got far behind bad and I was in danger.

I sneaked out of my room with shoes on my feet and flew silently to the place the maiden had told me to appear at.

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