Chapter 23

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The person I saw in the reflection was so strange to me. I kind of feared to look like it and ran towards the Grand Hall where I immediately grabbed a mirror. As I looked into the mirror my jaw dropped and my mouth opened wide. My eyes were really pitch black and I was very pale, close to the paleness of snow with a bit of elegant glowing like a diamond. My lips seemed to be dark red. The blood had been drained out of my face. In quite a shock I took a closer look at my skin all over my body. When I had checked my skin color my heart raced fast and a fast beating made sweat break out. With my eyes, I decided to take a look at a small shelf, a big mistake as I realized later on.

An unknown power caused the shelf to dissipate, leaving behind a mountain of scrolls over one another. In a stance, I couldn't think straight.

"Oh my god, what is this power? Why does my appearance change into a monster-like one? Oh my, my my my, why really why? I ca-can't believe this, was the nightmare with the blood pool real? No, no no! That can't be! I can't be a maiden and be a non-human creature!"

With a heavy sigh and long breathing out, I sat down hastily. The events that just happened were too much for my small mind, too many thoughts crossed it and caused it to crash. A complete error, I never had this much of an overworking of my senses.

"Wait, what is this power actually? I guess I should do some research to find out more about the spells and the profound meridians they use. The power might get in handy someday when I need to defend myself."

A glimpse of light appeared in my eyes and a smile spread on my lips. Why didn't I think about this before overreacting so hard? Oh, I was so impulsive. Realizing and concluding to this fact weighed heavily onto my poor and suffering and scarred heart. My heart had borne so many obstacles and prejudices including bullying, getting excluded so much from society.

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