Chapter 48

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"Xiao Chen Liu, em what should I say? Sorry, I can't agree with that. Even if you have feelings for me, I can't give in. I need to focus on cultivating. I mean it. Can you leave now and come back some other time?Please?"
I felt very uncomfortable and looked at him. My eyes ordered him and my expression wasn't too friendly.
He flinched and stood up in embarrassment. I only understood too well how he must have felt but it didn't matter at all.
I signaled him to leave immediately by pointing towards the forest. His sad eyes stared at me, however, I shook my head and looked at him with an icy glare.
I turned away from him to clarify my position even more.
He sobbed and left with hanging shoulders. I had ruined his day and life I suppose.
Furthermore, I wasn't in a position to help him. His family matters laid in his hands, not mine.
Why should I get included in the conflict for nothing? I didn't see a sense in it. Personal matters were personal matters and not those of strangers. It was of nearly none meaning to meddle in others business.
One should be strong enough to carry their own burden. If one couldn't, they better gave up upon it immediately. The world and destiny challenged you throughout your whole life. If these challenges couldn't be fought alone you weren't strong enough for living and self-independence. Having parents decide was definitely a better way in those situations. 
Destiny didn't pay attention to if you like them or not, they were there to help you get through difficulties and dilemmas.

Those matters would stay away from me at best. I walked back to my chamber after picking up the bottles and shuddered.
I reeked of alcohol and my clothes hang down like wet paper. Not a great sight indeed. My hair stood up and the hairstyle I had, had simplified itself. Gosh, what a breakdown, huh? Well, all that was left to do was getting up again and continuing on moving forward in this lonely and big mansion.

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