Chapter 46

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The night was chilly and the dark sky crystal clear. I felt lonely and looked at the moon shining down at me. Just as if it wanted to tell me that it would accompany me in the hardest times.
I stood there, night for night.
One day I went for the small wine stock behind the houses. Standing at the entrance my brain told me to do otherwise. However, I craved for fulfilling my desires and forgetting loneliness.
Out of the blue, one bottle caught my eye.
On it was written "For forgetting struggles", well that definitely fit me in this case, huh?
Ok, better give it a try I guess, that is what I thought. Wouldn't be too bad to get drunk.
Furthermore, whoever would enter, I can say would not leave without difficulties.
I am certain that no matter how one might disagree to everything.
Without further thoughts I opened up the small bottle and took a big sip.
Gosh, the alcohol hit me immediately. I saw double and tripped over my own feet at first. At taking a second sip, I got a bit more stable.
My hands shoke and I laughed out a cheerful laughter. I snorted and walked to the small lake behind the mansion.
The woods were very spiky like always. my skin ripped open at multiple spots and I covered my body more to prevent even further skin damage. If one would ever love me, who would it be? I asked myself that question curiously.
Arriving on the side of the lake I closed in to the water and looked into the reflection.
A blushed young woman looked back at me. Her eyes showed a strong personality, strength and independence. Past seemed to have taught all the neccesary stuf for life.
I experienced not being notified about getting left again. Memories appeared in my mind and I shook my head in disbelief.
To stop thinking even more harmful things, I continued drinking. The moon shone perfectly, the water was so clear, the stars reflected on the surface of the water.

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