Chapter 36

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The woman took great care of me and helped me get to her room. When we entered I froze for a bit. This pile of medicine and herbs waiting to get brewed or cut was enormous. At seeing the expression on my face by stepping next to me, she started to laugh.

"Dear, don't be too surprised and try to calm down, please. Why are you so frozen on the spot?"

With worry in her eyes, she touched my forehead.

"I am fine. It is just so that I remember something I would love to not to. Anyways, thank you."-"don't worry and enter. Come!"

The woman made a welcoming gesture towards me and I finally stepped into the room. As soon as I was surrounded by this scent of medicine I could not prevent myself from taking a deep breath. The woman saw it and laughed with a big smile on her face.

"Do you like it here? Well, you could stay and learn the way of how to brew the perfect medicine for nearly every disease and pain."-"Oh, em. That is a very friendly offer. Are you sure, the master of this mansion will cause you great trouble?"-"Ah, trouble? Not at all. He should be happy to have me here, helping his sick wife!"

The mother of the maiden was suffering from a disease? This news was definitely interesting. To find out more, I asked the medicine woman.

"What disease does she have? I mean the disease seems to be heavy."-"You are right, she suffers from heavy bone osteomalacia. Did you hear about it?"-"Oste-what? Never."-"Okay, let me explain. I found out that the bones get dislocated by the body itself and grow abnormally."

Oh my god, what kind of torture!

"Since when do you assume that she has this bone disease?"-"Good question, maybe since late childhood. However, she could move around all day perfectly fine then. So it must have gotten worse after giving birth."

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