Mommy's Little Ones

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"Mummy play?" 

 I looked over to find Jaydean's little fingers laced around the strings of my favorite guitar as I slipped the knot on my tie. It was the same guitar I used to woo her Daddy that one time we almost broke up when he was upset with me.

"Not today baby, mommy has to get ready," I told her. She tilted her little head so the waves of soft red curls fell off her shoulder and she purposefully widened her bright blue eyes with tiny flecks of gray for the maximum display of cuteness. 

When did our daughter become such a master manipulator?

"Okay Mummy, I play by myself then," she huffed with proud determination and started to mess around with the strings. I rolled my eyes walked over to face her pouted pink lips as she tried to play but all her attempts sounded like shit.

I picked up the little devil and set her down on my bed, picking up the guitar and taking it off the shelf. It was only four o'clock and I didn't have to be downstairs until four thirtyish so I guess I had time to sing to her.

"Do you know what Mommy's doing today?" I asked her as she sat quietly with her hands rested on the lap of her silk white dress.

"Mummy and Daddy and Papa are going to have a forever day!" She squealed and I gently tucked one of her loose strands behind her ear. 

"No, just Mommy and Daddy," I explained while I fixed the tuners she screwed around with. 

"But why not Papa?" She asked and I paused to look into her beautiful eyes with tiny freckles scattered across her face which she got from her Papa.

"Because your Papa is something else," I tried to say and she narrowed her eyes at me.

"But Papa needs a forever love too!" She said and she had a point. 

"Papa needs to love himself first," I said with a small shrug and she giggled.

"It's okay, I'll love Papa forever and ever," Jaydean smiled and her warmth and energy always brightened my day.

"You're so sweet baby. Now, what song do you want me to play?" I asked and she scratched her little-frecked chin.

"Play the baby shark song pwease!" She asked, kicking her feet as she did but I quickly denied her request just because I hate the song so much.

"No, pick another one," I said but she wasn't having it as she crossed her skinny little arms.

"What? Why!" She asked with hurt in her little voice.

"Because in my opinion that song is stupid and I'm banning it from this household," I told her, knowing the shark song was starting to seep into my subconscious. 

"Well fuck Mummy's opinion then," She says and I gave her the look. 

"Jaydean Arabella Grayson, what have I told you about swearing?" I asked her and she fluttered her arms all around.

"You said I can't sweat til I'm as tall as Daddy, but I'm up to his hip! Does that count?" She asked and I decided to let it go just this once because of what today is.

"Don't let me catch you doing it again or else," I threaten and she zips her lips.

"Yes Mummy," she replies and I start strumming the guitar.

"Can you play our special song?" She asked and I finally agreed. Anything, including Alicia Keys, is far better than that stupid baby shark song. 

"Okay, One, Two, Three, Four" 

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