Chapter 28: Ugly crier

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I felt a soft hand stroking my face and running through my hair.

"Martina, it's time to wake up." A voice whispered.

I opened my eyes slowly and a blurry figure appeared sitting down on the bed I was lying. My vision became clear and I recognized Ace, characteristically biting the corner of his mouth, trying to hide a smile.

"I'd pay for you to welcome me like this everytime I got home." He said amused.

I felt the cold sheets against my naked body. Wait.

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up. "Got home?" I repeated his words. "Where did you go?"

"Shh, calm down." He said placing his hands on my shoulders and pushing me down again. "It's 11.30."

"At night." I said firmly, my eyes bored into him.

"In the morning." He corrected amused.

I sat up again, covering myself with the sheets and hit him on the chest with a frown on my face. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked searching his eyes frantically.

He rubbed the place where I hit him. "Because you were sleeping like a baby, you needed it, you were exhausted."

"But I was gonna go buy the dr-" I stopped and put my hand over my mouth. "Oh my god, how was your exam?"

He laughed. He was happy, that was a good sign, right?

"It went great." He said grinning.

"Really?" My lips curling up into a smile.

"Yes. And I wanted to thank you." He stood up and began to walk.

"Where are you going?" I asked confused. He went to open the curtains and then walked towards his bag and began looking for something. I didn't mind being naked around him, but only if the two of us actually were, so I took a t-shirt that was somewhere around the sheets. It was big and smelled like him.

When my head popped out of the collar, I saw he was already sitting next to me, a box in his hands. He handed it to me. I hesitated before taking it.

"Ay no, Ace. You shouldn't have."

"Open it." He said serious, biting his lower lip.

It was a jewelry box. I opened it and saw a beautiful thin gold chain necklace with a little diamond pendant in the middle. My eyes widened as I stared at it in silence. It was simple, but it was so delicate.


"Do you like it?" He asked nervously bending down a bit to see my expression.

"I love it." I said glancing up. He gave me a broad smile. One of those that made his eyes wrinkle, one of those that made me want to throw myself at him. I didn't restrain myself this time and closed the box quickly and jumped on top of him, crashing my lips against his, laying him down in the bed.

He laughed against my lips and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled apart for a second and we locked eyes.

"I noticed you only wear gold earrings so that's why I chose a gold one. I also thought you wouldn't like anything too extravagant."

Forme reason I couldn't stop kissing him, not because of the piece of jewelry, but because the time he put on it and that he noticed those little details.

"If I knew you were gonna be this affectionate I would have bought you a necklace from the beginning."

I laughed with his face still between my hands. "It's not the necklace. It's how well you know me, the time you spent thinking about it and the time you spent actually buying it."

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