Chapter 53.

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Justin Montgomery

Heidi has been in Utah for a week already, she hasn't called me.

Not that I expected her to, but given with how she left unexpectedly because of my decision, I'd think she would call, but she hasn't.

Maybe she is catching up on lost time with her family, and she deserves that.

I haven't yet called her either to say everything is okay, only because I feel like the black panthers are setting us up.

Either way our relationship isn't as close where we call each other non stop to know if we are doing fine. It's more like we both mind our own business and I give her space.

She needs it, she has been working at the hospital non-stop, she's even taken some night shifts and it's just bad. She comes back really exhausted, she's missed some gang meetings, and missions given to how busy she's been.

I don't mind, I can handle it all on my own, but sometimes I feel like she pressures herself into working hard all the time, she doesn't find time to take breaks, to breathe and have fun.

Ever since the Black Panthers showed up and have been a threat to us I've made it my mission to keep Heidi safe.

It even made me realize my deeper emotions towards her, like how it slipped out to tell her I love her.

Not that I didn't mean it because I do, I love Heidi, she's amazing. I sometimes feel like I don't deserve her, I regret all the stupid shit I made her go through at the start. If I could go back I'd change how of an ass I was.

Even if Heidi doesn't say she loves me back I completely understand. It's new I just said it and she must think I'm messing with her.

But my main priority at this point is her, keeping her safe from any problems, and most of all to prove to her that I can change, and be the man she wants me to be.

I know I'm really bossy I understand that and she hates how controlling I am. But I only do some things because I really care about her safety.

"Justin, you were correct. The gang isn't in town." Cole says

Along side AJ and Nick.

"What? Where the hell did they go? We have been keeping tabs on them and suddenly they disappear?" I ask

"Seems like it, I mean we don't even know how long they have been gone." Nick says

"Fuck! Let's just hope it's nowhere near Heidi." I say, of course they would disappear at a moment were Heidi was unprotected by us.

"Either way gear up we are going to their side of town and checking their place." I order

They do as I say, Kennedy along side gears up. Let me just say I wasn't so happy with Heidi's decision at first but she's not so bad during missions.

"Have you heard anything from her?" I hear Cole ask Kennedy from afar.

"No, she only called the first day but since then she's gone ghost mode." Kennedy responds

I knew they were talking about Heidi, they missed her presence around. Who didn't, I missed her also. She lightened the room up just by being around, everyone was used to having her around.

"It wouldn't surprise me if she doesn't come back though, I mean she has her family, friends, and Ant-" Kennedy speaks, but somehow doesn't finish her sentence because Cole cuts in.

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