Sidemen OT7- Captured

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Josh's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to cold and damp air, and a deafening silence. I shivered, a burning sensation on the top of my head and on my lower back, and rolled over onto my stomach. The first thing I saw was the outline of a person a few metres away in the dim light, curled up on their side and moaning gently in pain.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I began to see the person better and I quickly realised that it was JJ, partly unconscious. I crawled over to him, hissing in pain, and gently shook his shoulder in an effort to wake him, waiting for a few seconds.

He stirred and lifted his head, squinting in the dark. At first I didn't see anything but when he turned his head I gasped, seeing a round pair of fluffy ears on the top of his head.

"JJ? You- you've got ears? On the top of your head..." He pushed himself up into a sitting position just as I leaned up on my elbows next to him, my head still pounding painfully.

"Josh?" He questioned, his hand moving up to the top of his head. "What- what did they do?" He looked over to me and his hand then went to the top of my own head, poking the painful areas. I yelped.

"You've got ears too." He whispered. "They're- orange? Yeah, they're orange so I think they're a fox?" I reached up and touched them myself, flinching as they sent a shock of pain through my body but then realising what the other pain in my body must be.

Reaching down to my lower back I pulled out a fluffy orange tail with a white tip, poofy and extremely sore. JJ's eyes widened.

"What the hell did they do to us? We're... hybrids?" I nodded, numb.

"Where are the others? They were with us." My voice shook and he bit his lip, pushing himself close to me.

"I- I guess we just wait?" His voice was high and scared, showing me the emotions he was hiding from his face.

"Yeah." I whispered back. "I guess."


There was no motion for hours other than our slow breathing. We stayed huddled together, arms around each other as we started to get used to our new ears and tail. We worked out that JJ was a bear, with short fluffy ears and a stubby tail.

Everything happened very fast. A door that we weren't aware of opened and people came in, some yelling and shouting and others being dragged in panicked silence. JJ and I backed up into the corner.

When the people who were yelling left I looked around at the newcomers fearfully until I realised that some, not all, of them were members of the Sidemen. I saw Simon first, his arms raised in front of his face, terrified, with floppy ears on the top of his head.

Then I saw Tobi, already on his feet and ready to fight with a pair of pointy black ears atop his head and a thin fluffy tail swishing from side to side, and finally Ethan, sprawled on his side in the back corner looking like he wanted to slap a bitch. He had what looked like antlers, but I didn't know.

There were two newcomers in the room. One had a thin black striped tail and was glaring around at all of us, the fluff on his tail sticking up to make it appear bigger and more threatening. He had wild black hair on his head and I could see the fear hidden behind his eyes.

The other newcomer was backed into the corner, his arms over his head and a large set of wings wrapped around the rest of his body. Even from where I was, across the room, I could see him shaking and as his terrified eyes scanned all of us, I saw a flash of blonde hair from under his arms.

JJ reacted first, tackling Simon into a huge hug, yelling in excitement and happiness. Tobi and Ethan made their way over to our pile and for a little while we all just hugged, happy that everyone was there, but after a few minutes reality set in. We were looking at each other, ears and tails raised, and then at the two others in the room.

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